You didn't do the dishes, I'm not doing you.

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You were standing in the kitchen washing the dishes when you heard Seth yell in the living room. You turned your head and saw Seth holding your two-month-old son in the air with a look of horror on his face.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Help! Y/n!" Seth said as he looked towards where you were standing in the kitchen.

You reached for the hand towel on the counter and wiped your hands dry before heading into the living room. Your eyes widened when you saw that your son had an explosion in his diaper and it had made its way up his back and out the sides of the diaper onto his legs.

You couldn't help but let out a giggle. This wasn't the first time you've seen your son have a blowout. However, this was Seth's first time experiencing it since he was on the road a lot.

"Why are you laughing! Help me!" Seth said as he looked at your son and then at you.

"I'll get him cleaned up. You go finish the dishes." You said.

"Deal. Anything is better than this." He said as he handed your son to you and stood up.

"By the way, you have a little something on your shorts." You said motioning to the greenish brown stain on his gray sweatpants.

Seth groaned and threw his head back before making his way towards the kitchen. Sure Seth wasn't the world's best dad but he was trying and you knew he would do anything for your son – except change dirty diapers if he didn't absolutely have to.

You carried your son upstairs and started running a bath for him. You got him all cleaned up and put him into some pajamas since it was nearing time for him to go to sleep.

You sat in the rocker in the nursery and gently rocked him to sleep as you slowly watched his eyes flutter closed. Once you knew he was asleep, you carefully laid him in the crib before making your way back downstairs.

Seth was sitting on the couch playing his PlayStation when you sat down next to him.

"Where's he at?" Seth asked as he kept his eyes locked on the screen.

"Asleep in the nursery." You said.

Seth's lips curved into a smile and he set the controller on the coffee table. He reached up and cupped the side of your neck with one hand as he leaned in and brushed his lips against the other side.

"Guess it's just you and me now, hmm?" He whispered before pressing his lips to your soft spot near your ear.

You moved your head to the side to give him more room and glanced over his shoulder into the kitchen. The pile of dishes was still in the sink, exactly where you had left it.

You pulled away from Seth and looked over at him.

"What?" Seth asked as he looked at you, trying to figure out why you pulled away.

"I thought you were going to do the dishes."

"I'll do them later." He said before he leaned in to press his lips to yours again.

You reached up and gently pushed his chest back, stopping him for a second time.

"No. You didn't do the dishes, I'm not doing you." You said.

"Babe! Seriously? We haven't done it in a month!" Seth groaned as he threw his head back on the cushion and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Do the dishes and maybe you'll get lucky." You said as you stood up to go upstairs, making sure to sway your hips as you walked.

"You're gonna regret this when I get my hands on you!" Seth called out as you climbed the stairs.

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