If I trip over one more of your shoes.

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"Dammit!" You heard Seth curse from the living room of the apartment, letting you know that he was home from a stint on the road.

You and Seth were friends from his high school days when he was just an awkward teenager with a big dream. The two of you had fallen out of touch many times but you always wounded up finding each other again. After years of friendship Seth had proposed the idea of living together. You needed a place to stay and weren't financially stable enough to live by yourself. With his career he was on the road a lot, and he wanted someone that could take care of his dog and the apartment when he was on the road.

"You okay?" You asked as you walked into the living room.

"If I trip over one more of your shoes, I'm throwing them all away." He said as he pointed to the high heels he had stumbled over on his way into the house. You had gone out with the girls the night before and in your buzzed state you had kicked them off as soon as you were in the door and forgot to pick them up later.

"This happens every time I come home from work." He said as he plopped down on the couch.

"Sorry. I went out last night and kicked them off as soon as I got home." You said.

"Can you at least try to take them off another foot or two further? You take them off literally right at the door. Then I come home with my bags and nearly break my ankle! I can't afford an injury from a pair of shoes!" He said.

"I'll try, I'm sorry. But you aren't exactly the easiest person to room with either. Let's talk about the video game cases that you just throw in front of the tv. I've tripped over those before." You said.

"Okay, you work on your shoes and I'll work on my video games. That work for you?" He asked.

"Yes." You said.

"Good. Now I'm hungry, what are you making me for lunch?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

You chuckled to yourself. You knew as soon as he was in the door he would want food.

"Lunch is in the oven, champ."

Seth Rollins One Shots & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now