I Didn't Cheat

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SUMMARY: You and Seth have been together for two years and now share a house together. One night while he is in the shower you see some messages from Sasha and you think Seth might have been cheating on you behind your back. It turns into a fight and you realize how wrong you are. ANGST. FLUFF.

This started out as a drabble request but it turned into a full on fic and I'm not sorry about it. Hope you guys like it! xxx

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You felt Seth's phone vibrate on the bed next to you. You glanced at the screen and saw that it was Sasha. You didn't think anything of it so you picked up the phone and entered the pin number to see what she said.

Except the pin number didn't work. You tried it again, just to make sure you didn't hit the wrong number on accident. Denied again. That was weird. Seth had given you the pin to his phone months ago. Did he change it and not tell you? Or was he trying to hide something?

But it was Sasha that was texting him. She was your best friend. She would never do something like that to you and neither would Seth. They were the two closest people in your life. They'd never dream of hurting you like that.

You tried to shake it off as you set the phone back down on the sheets. It was nothing. You were getting nervous about nothing. It was probably just a text asking what time we had to be at the arena for a meet and greet or something.

But as the minutes passed you found yourself glancing at the phone more and more. You couldn't shake the feeling in your gut that they were hiding something from you.

You and Seth had an open relationship. You didn't keep secrets from each other and that's what made your relationship strong. You had been with him for two years. You trusted him with your heart. Even if your mind wanted to tell you he was cheating, your heart knew he wouldn't dream of it.

But a tiny little voice in the way back parts of your mind wondered if he had fallen into his old habits. His history with relationships wasn't a secret to you. You knew about his infidelity. It was something the two of you had talked about in detail when you first started dating. He told you the truth and that he was young and made a mistake. That what happened was years ago and he had learned from his mistakes. He swore to you he would never do something like that to you. And you believed him.

You then saw the screen light up with a second text. Then a third a few minutes later. Then she called him. Then a fourth message.

All of it was starting to get to you. There had to be something going on with them. Why else would she be texting him?

You glanced at the screen to see if you could read the first few parts of the texts that were showing up to get some kind of idea about what they were talking about.

SASHA: Are you home? Is Y/n with you??

SASHA: We still going to talk about it tonight?

SASHA: Let me know if you want to come over to work out some of the issues.


SASHA: I'm home alone if it would be better to do it here.

Your heart dropped as you read them. Why was she asking if he was home? Why did she want to know if you were with Seth? Why had they planned to talk tonight and what had they planned to talk about? And why was she inviting him over? And what issues were they going to be talking about? A million questions raced through your brain and you tried not to answer them. Because you knew how your mind would answer them and you didn't want to believe that it was true.

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