So we're kind of snowed in.

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"It's really coming down out there," you said as you looked out the window of your hotel room.

"Yeah, it is. Hopefully, it stops soon so we can get home," Seth said as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you back into his body. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek, causing your lips to curve into a smile.

The snow continued to pass over the next few hours and you grew more and more worried that you weren't going to be able to catch your flight and make it home for Christmas.

You turned on the news to check the weather report for Denver, where the two of you were.

"Ladies and gentleman it is a cold one out there. As for the snowfall, there is no end in sight. Be prepared for a very white Christmas as we get up to ten inches overnight." The weatherman said.

You sighed and looked over at Seth.

"So, we're kind of snowed in." He said.

You nodded your head and then looked down at your hands.

"Hey, it'll be okay," Seth said as he put his arm around you and pulled you into his side. "We might not make it home for Christmas, but we're still together."

"I know but it's not the same. There's no family and no Christmas presents-"

"Actually..." Seth said as he let go of you to stand up and walk over to his bag. He pulled out a small present wrapped in red and green polka dot wrapping paper. "I have your present with me."

"Seth, I can''s not Christmas." You said as you looked at him.

"It's close enough. Besides I want to see your face when you open it." He said as he extended the present to you, and sat back down on the bed beside you.

"You're sure?" You asked.

"Yes," he said.

You carefully pulled the wrapping paper off to reveal a small black box. You looked over at Seth, who had a smile on his face, but something was off. He looked almost...nervous for you to open it.

"You okay?" You asked.

"Just open it." He said as he ran his hands along his thighs as if he was wiping the sweat off of it.

You slowly opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring with three main stones surrounded by a bunch of smaller diamonds. It was beautiful.

You felt Seth take your hand and when you looked up you saw that he was on one knee on the floor in front of you. The hand that wasn't holding the ring covered your mouth and you felt a few tears start to form in your eyes.

"This isn't how I planned on doing this, but this is as good of time as any. I know that life hasn't always been what you planned with me, but you always go along with it and you're always there when I need you. I can't imagine spending my life with anyone but you...Will you marry me?" He asked as he looked up at you nervously.

"Yes," you whispered as you nodded your head.

The worry on his face faded and his lips curved into a smile as he reached up to cup your face. He leaned in and pressed his warm lips to yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I love you." He whispered as he pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you too," you whispered back before leaning in for another kiss.

After a few more celebratory kisses between the two of you, Seth pulled away and took the ring box from your hand. He took the ring carefully in his right hand as he held your left hand in his other. You could tell his hand was shaking as he slowly slid the ring into place on your fourth finger.

He smiled at the sight of the ring on your finger and then looked up at you.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"It's perfect, Seth," you said.

"Yeah?" He asked as his lips curved into a smirk.

You smiled and nodded back. "Yeah."

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