Ultear and Meredy

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We went going to where Erza's scream came from. Me, Natsu, Wendy, Happy and Carla were running around a large staircase like a circular tube. It's a big staircase. I hope we don't get too tired after this. Natsu was carrying Happy around his neck, while Wendy was grabbing Carla up front. I was in the lead with my nose guiding me to Erza's smell. We haven't made it halfway there, and Natsu already felt tired from all the running. Even when we're still running, he can take a step real hard.

Natsu: I'm already getting tired. Why did our magic have to disappear by this Dispel force field?

Carla: We have no choice. Who else would've thought that wizards wouldn't have their magic when they're in the Tower of Heaven? 

Tsuki: Apparently, people who don't even want to be in here.

Happy: Are we close to Erza?

Wendy: Not yet.

Tsuki: -I sniff- Her smell is this way!

Natsu: We may be getting closer to her!

Carla: What a relief.

Tsuki: -I stop as I stretch my right arm to the side- Wait!

Natsu and Wendy: -stopped-

Tsuki: -I sniff- Do you smell that?

Wendy: -sniffs- There's someone else in here.

Natsu: -sniffs- And another one, too.

Carla: There are prisoners in here?

Happy: We haven't seen a single one on the way up.

Tsuki: Could it be that Jellal is keeping someone here other than Erza?

Natsu: It's possible.

Wendy: I swear their smells are familiar.

I even smelled it, too. It's very different than Erza's. It pretty much smells cold and dark at the same time. So far, it smelled a little bit like Gray, but different. Gray knows her. Maybe it's a person who got in contact with him before. Whoa, I suddenly feel like a detective. Actually, it's a mystery that this person knows Gray more than us. Wow, how did I know that? This Dragon Slayer power gives me talents I never knew I had, especially when Yin and Yang never taught me that trick. Anyway, we heard a strange voice from another place. It sounded deep, because of the echo from the staircase.

????: Help!

Everyone: -looks around-

Natsu: What was that?

Tsuki: I don't know.

Wendy: It could've been the wind. 

????: Is someone there?

Tsuki: It's another voice.

Carla: This isn't Erza.

Tsuki: Then, who?

Natsu: -scares me- Maybe it's a ghost! 

Tsuki: -I scream- 

Natsu: -laughs-

Tsuki: Natsu, don't scare me like that!

Wendy: -shakes in fear- A ghost?

Carla: Wendy, there's no such thing as ghosts. 

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