Meet the crew

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I couldn't believe it. I'm finally part of the greatest, coolest and strongest guild in Magnolia, Fairy Tail. I mean, I'm not in it yet, since I still haven't gotten Master's approval. I don't even know what to say when I meet the wizards. I've heard that they look more powerful in person. I saw some of them fight, and there's others I don't know of. Anyway, Erza took me in to the guild building. I see a room full of people sitting on the tables. It was like a bar/hangout. I was amazed and surprised at the same time. When we arrived at the main table, Mirajane, from the hospital, was working there.

Tsuki: This place looks more awesome than what I ever thought about. 

Lucy: What did you think it was going to be like?

Tsuki: Just like any other guild.

Gray: This is bigger than all of the guilds in Magnolia. 

Natsu: The biggest of them all.

Tsuki: I see.

Mirajane: -comes to us- I see you're in great shape.

Tsuki: Hey, you're the one who took care of me at the hospital. I forgot to say thanks for doing that. 

Mirajane: You're welcome. I'm Mirajane Strauss.

Tsuki: I know who you are.

Mirajane: -giggles-

Tsuki: I'm Tsuki Pongratz.

Mirajane: It's so great to meet you.

Erza: I see you guys could get along well.

Tsuki: -I look at Mirajane-

Mirajane: -blushes-

Tsuki: -I drop a sweat- Not great for a first impression.

Gray: How embarrassing.

Lucy: Not as embarrassing as you.

Gray: -looks at himself half naked- Are you...?!

Natsu: -laughs at Gray-

Gray: What are you laughing at, squint eyes?!

Natsu: Nothing, droopy eyes!

Erza: Boys.

Natsu and Gray: -shocked, then happy-

Gray: We were just having a friendly conversation, Erza.

Natsu: Aye!

Tsuki: Are they always like that?

Lucy: Sometimes.

Happy: That's Natsu and Gray for you. 

Tsuki: I could get use to it.

I might need a little more time to get use to it. I'll probably see Natsu and Gray fight once or twice a day. These guys crack me up. Then comes along a girl with a blue bra and short pants, wanting a barrel of booze. She puts an empty barrel on the main table.

Cana: Mira, whose face do I have to hurt to get another barrel of booze over here?

Mirajane: It's almost there, Cana. Just try to resist your addiction.

Cana: It's not an addiction. -sits at the main table and looks at me- Hey, you new around here?

Tsuki: Ummm.

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