Let's go to Edolas

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We were finally ready to get to Edolas for the Dragon Slayer Challenge. I know we can do it. I mean, we could combine our Dragon Slayer Power to get the challenge done in no time. Right now, we're waiting for someone to meet us. I wonder who it is. Master told us that this meeting is important.

Natsu: -paces- Where is he?

Gajeel: He was supposed to be here minutes ago.

Wendy: Maybe he's a little delayed.

Tsuki: Who are we supposed to meet here?

Natsu: Mystogan.

Tsuki: Mysto... who?

Wendy: Mystogan-san.

Gajeel: He's the one who's going to use Anima on us, so we could go to Edolas.

Natsu: He was one of the S Class Mages in our guild.

Tsuki: How come I haven't seen him there?

Natsu: We found out that Mystogan didn't belong in here. He was just a counterpart.

Gajeel: He returned to his home in Edolas.

Tsuki: Can it be possible for people from Edolas to live here in Earthland?

Wendy: It is possible. Now that everything's back to the way it was, Mystogan only has a short time in taking this chance to get us in Edolas.

Tsuki: Then we'll wait for him. Come on guys, we'll be ready before Mystogan meets us.

Gajeel: Let's not get our hopes up.

Okay, Gajeel can sometimes be rude, but he's still a great Dragon Slayer. I mean, he's not like one of those fake Dragon Slayers that run around the street, telling people they were raised by dragons just to make them think they're better than everybody. Anyway, we were still waiting for Mystogan to come. It's been a few minutes, and he's still not here. At some point, we see a shadow from miles away. I couldn't see much, but I was thinking that maybe it was Mystogan. We didn't know what to do, so we just stayed where we are. As he came to us, he was a masked man with a wooden staff on his back.

Gajeel: So, you really did come, Mystogan.

Mystogan: I have been a little delayed. 

Gajeel: -hits Natsu in the back of his head-

Natsu: Ow! 

Wendy: Told you.

Mystogan: -looks at me- 

Tsuki: -I look away-

Mystogan: Looks like you have another Dragon Slayer on your backs.

Gajeel: What do you think?

Mystogan: I think you guys are going to ace the challenge.

Natsu: You haven't seen Tsuki in action.

Tsuki: Actually, I'm a little nervous about this.

Natsu: Everything's going to be all right.

Wendy: We'll do it together.

Gajeel: Let's do what we have to do.

Tsuki: I guess all of you are right. Sometimes I motivate people that I can't even motivate myself.

Everyone: -laughs with me-

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