So sweet yet so painful

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The taste still left on my lips
Your voice still in my head
You told me to call you 'brandy'
Kinda like the liquor
The kind that goes down so smooth
But burns so bad
The kind that taste so good
But taste so bitter
Yet I can't help myself
I keep getting back with you
Over, and over
I know what's gonna happen
When that high is over
It's awful
But I'm a moth
To your flame
I get drawn to you
Even when I here your name
Your love so sweet
Yet so painful
Time and time again
We argue, we swear we're never speak to each other again

But this time is different
I didn't come back
Not back to you
I told I jump from that bridge
You told me 'your being delusional'
I told you that I'm slowly lossing my mind
You laughed
You laughed
Why would you?
I tried to end my life and you laugh
But all I did was smile
I ended the call
As I stared at the sky
My phone went off


I thought to myself
'Please not now'
I turned my phone off
Right now she has gun powder in her lungs
And a bullet with my name one on her lips

Shots rang out

And a hole is left in my heart

'I hate you'

Dont worry
I hate me too
Your so sweet
Yet so painful
Your so good
Yet so bad
But why
Do she really?

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