Mirror, Mirror

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My mind is gone
My heart keeps singing this song
The light in your eyes
Seem to slipping away
Now there borring and grey
But somewhere in your mind
Your hurting without a sound
Yet your still to kind
But you yell out loud
No here's a thing
Oh, your a sweet little thing
A kind little thing
So you look in the mirror and say the thing it's heard before

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Was all meant to fall
I smile in there face
And fall apart in almost every place

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Was my heart a stone wall
So tell me how it came crashing down
And i nearly drown

Her eyes held a story
No one could bear to hear
She thought people didn't care
If you were to ask her to share
She would let you read her like an open book
But no one cared to look
Her warmest smile turned cold
Her kind eyes turned to ice
For what was once the kindest soul
And was made from gold
Now is gone
Far, far away
The light in her eyes is gone
Now there nothing but grey
Now she looks at the mirror and says the same thing it's heard she had to say

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Why do I feel so tall
But I come crashing down
Without a sound

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Tell me what you saw
As it a truth or a lie
Did you see cry

Her skin is now pale
Her monsters won far and square
No one cares to ask why
She learned to twist the tip of her tounge
And tell something far from the truth
For people never really cared
She learned that language when she was young
She forgot what the truth lied among
And now toxins fill her lungs
Yet still has innocence in her
I know that for sure
But her still is gold just with a bit of darkness
She still is the same girl but the doesn't believe it
Not one bit
Again she stares at the mirror one last time that lied scattered on the ground

Mirror, Mirror on the ground
Why does every one judge one by another's background
This feels life a mary go around
As if I've been threw this multiple times

Mirror, Mirror on the ground
It's time to say goodbye to the things your around
For all good things must come to an end
Goodbye to you, my old friend

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