Losing You part 2

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Dear Kelly

Meeting you was the best day of my life. Seeing you smile was the best thing I've ever seen. My heart uernd for you and you knew that. Maybe because you felt the same.

I gave you the world in exchange for your heart. I was a fool to believe that your words were true.

I saw a galaxy in your eyes and yet you only saw a single star in mine. I told you that the love for you was timeless yet you told me my love for you was like flowers. They are beautiful yet they always die. My biggest fear wasn't losing you it was one day you'll eventually see me as I see my self, and I prayed you didn't.

I remember when we had sand in our sweaters from nights we didn't remember. Do you miss me? Do you even remember me? And sometimes for a moment almost a split second i understand what you meant about your love for me being like a flower. Maybe it was never meant to be. Maybe our love was never compatible or was just never going to work out.

I messed around and got attached to you to fast. And I was falling for you to hard. And I was loving you way more than I loved my self. But if being with him puts a bigger smile on your face than me then enjoy him. But you a person that would ride for you and die for you. Maybe he will not as fast as I would have.

Sincerely Jane

I put the letter in her mail box and gently closed it. And walked away my heart is always with her but if her being with him makes her happy then I'm all for it.

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