The dream catcher

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The word of the wise still haunt me to be honest. The wise ones warned me about my future.

"You will always be an unsertan soul, no one knows your future, not even us."

They warned me to be carefull of things unknown for it could be the very thing that made me so cold. I bet you've heard of God's and goddesses being very known. But people like me no one cares for. I had a past life were I was a normal human but something happend so tragic it left my soul wondering the streets. People told me that I was cursed along with my time line but they weren't the ones of the wise. You have heard of Zeus for of thunder, Ares the god of war, even perseus demi-god. But you never heard of me the god of dream catchers rid the nightmares from the dream catcher. Every one is made specifically for some one. I hand make them.

Most people say I have an evil side. My future was dark, forbidden. So were my ancestors and the ones before them. I live on an old Indian territory thousands were murdered, thousands were kidnapped, and thousands upon thousands were forgotten. The small house that lies there has to many stories, none end in a happy ever after. But it's the only place I call my home.

"Only place I'll ever be excepted"

I spoke with a raspy voice.

The house had a faded pearl white paint. It had an unfinished door frame that had the color of a beautiful sky blue. It always looked like an unsung lose of someone's pain. The uncut over grown grass has a thin trail of my many foot steps. The roof of the house has a faint blue. It's starting to cave in, wood is starting to rot. The middle of the house was sinking into the ground, almost disappearing. The steps leading up to the raged, old, worn down porch with a soft quite purple had cracks in the side, looked like the darkness was trying to escape into the world and leave the once dim old prison. The house was surrounded by hundreds of cherry blossoms. Each one had all my stories, I am not human nor a ghost. More or less like an unsettled being that has unfinished business.

(??? POV)
The day quickly turned into night, I watched as the sun fell and the stars rose into the sky. I'm not normal I don't think like every one wants me to think.Just because I spend my time inside and don't care for 'he say she say'. I always feel like I'm missing something or someone. Like half a person, half a soul. I've been telling people but they never lesson. I was lost in thought when I heard a loud "clank" i turned my head to the noise.

"Who's there.... dad.. mom".

Huh, must have been in my imagination. I started to sing a little nursery song

"Bones sinking like stone everyone dying, blood lost like love no one is safe here. Every one who is not dead spent there time crying".

I was cut off by another loud "clank". I stood straight up from my chair and started to bag away. Before I could do any thing I heard a deep, raspy, and unsettling voice come from the corner of my bed room.

"You have a pretty voice doll"

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