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I bounced Harkin around in my lap and he laughed gleefully, clapping his chubby hands.

Gabriel was sleeping again from pain medication. He was honestly beginning to stress me out. He was weaker suddenly since he gave birth. If I can even call it that. He hadn't healed which was weird because even a human would be healed significantly by now, simply scaring.

He had refused to go back to the hospital, to even see Theodore so I knee I needed to take initiative because I wasn't about to let him die on me, because this time, it was real.

I stood up from my place by the porch to see Theodore coming into the property by car. Within minutes he was out and running up to me.

"What happened?" He asked genuinely worried, his mate right behind him.

"He hasn't healed. He claims he'll be okay, but day after day he seems to be getting worse." I explained as Harkin grabbed my hair and pulled. I lead them upstairs, trying to get my baby to let me go.

He had a strong grip so he twisted my thumb and I winced.

"Ow!" I said frowning at him and hr stuck his fist in his mouth, widening his eyes. He looked so adorable, I couldn't even be mad. I chuckled and out him down, he had already proves he could take care of himself when time and time again, we would put him in his crib in his room and close the door and he would manage to get out of the thing, open the door and come find us.

The baby was definitely gifted.

I opened the door to our room which was dark and smelled of blood. I swallowed feeling a lump in my throat at the sight of Gabriel. His heart was beating erratically buy he stayed completely still.

Theodore gave me a nod and I went down stairs with Winston. Harkin followed, crawling down one step at a time. I watched him until he got down and praised him which he loved because his cheeks got red and he clapped laughing.

Winston was captivated by the little guy, making little conversation as he stared lovingly at Harkin who enjoyed the attention.

"You love kids,huh?"

"You have no idea." He sighed and played with Harkin. "I wish I could have another pup, but with the way things are, I barely get any sleep with my mate in my arms." He frowned sadly and Harkin cooed, holding up his hands and grabbing Winston's cheeks.

It was like Harkin was trying to make him stop thinking about what made him sad because he began mumbling complete gibberish and Winston couldn't help smile down at the kid.

"Strong grip you got there." He said as he tried to get free. I laughed.

"Harkin, let go." The baby turned to me and let go before crawling to me on my seat on the floor. He proceeded to use me as a mean of standing up on his two feet. He began mumbling fast and happily.

"You guys made one cute kid." I smiled in thanks before I heard screaming.

"D-daddy!" Harkin gurgled panicked and I froze. He spoke. He looked from the stairs to me, back and forth before he pointed and began crying. He began mumbling in gibberish and I grabbed him and ran up the stairs.

Theodore was straddling Gabriel who screamed and cried harshly.

"What are you doing!?"

"I'm helping!" He said, his eyes glowing white. I tried stepping forward but I couldn't get passed the door. Harkin cried as he reached for his dad and it broke my heart as he gave a hiccough and wailed. I nearly dropped him at the sound and the windows began to shatter.

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