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The pain in my back was bearable, more bearable that the words he spoke to me. I know that last night...last night should not have happened, in fact under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have allowed it to, but there was just something in the air, something inside of me that wanted it so badly. Wanted him.

I guess one could say I was driven by instincts, ones I never knew existed, but did.

I had finished eating and walked around the empty mansion when a man approached me. He had shaggy black hair and reddish brown eyes. The smirk on his lips made me wary, but I tried not to show it.

"Gabriel, isn't it?"

"Who is asking?"

"Raphael, at your service." He held out his hand which I took. It was cold, his tan skin was in contrast to mine.

"Well, Raphael, what do you want?" He chuckled and I squinted my eyes at him.

"Oh, nothing, just checking up on you really." He gave me a dazzling smile and I wondered why Dante couldn't have done the same.

"Are you friends with Dante?" I asked him as we began strolling down a hallways full of family portraits and pictures.

"Oh yes, his best friend," I nodded then.

"So, where is he?" I sighed and paused.

"Why are we talking about him when we can talk about you?" He smirked narrowing his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Who are you, Gabriel? I mean, really." I furrowed my brows.

"I'm not sure I understand..." I trailed off and then doors were being open. I snapped my head to the sound and ignored Raphael from then on, hurriedly I made my way towards the living area to find Dante, pouring himself a drink.

"Dante," I called feeling a bit nervous. I felt stress but it didn't belong to me. It made me tense and confused but I went for him anyway.

"You need to leave now." He said lowly and I paused.

"I'm sorry?" I scoffed.

"You need to leave." He looked up and sighed, running a hand over his face. "You don't belong here." I furrowed my brows and folded my arms over my chest.

"How about you stop trying to run and explain to me what the problem is?" I told him tensely. "I get that what happened last night shouldn't have happe-"

"It never should have happened." He told me, cutting me off. "I am already bonded to someone else." He swallowed. "I promised him..." He gasped and grabbed onto his chest. I felt pain in mine, a pain so strong it felt like it was choking me. "I broke it because of you."

"Okay...okay, who is it that you are already bonded too? Why aren't they here now?" I asked feeling my own anger bubbling at the seems. "You think I asked to be...'bonded'!? I don't even know what that means, but I'm gonna jump and say it's similar to being mated to someone." I told him. "I didn't say you should bit me, I didn't say kiss me back. You acted on your own so if your going to make someone feel horrible about what happened, feel better do that to yourself."

I seethed fighting back this sadness trying to grow within me. What was happening?

"Leave." He said finally. "And never come back."

I took a deep breath then and glared.

"Fine...but don't you dare look for me. Don't you dare show up out of the blue, I will kill you."

I told him then and his eyes widened, his head tilted to the side and I breathed heavily, angrily.

"What?" He asked softly and I clenched my jaw.

"I won't hesitate." I told him with a promise in my voice and I turned from him.

I left the mansion not knowing where I would go. As I crossed the gate I felt the rush of sadness, the feeling of loss and loneliness. My eyes burned as I looked around me. I wrapped my arms around myself and walked aimlessly then not knowing where I would end up or what I would find wherever I go.

I found myself occupied with the thought of Dante. As I walked I wondered whom it was he was so attached too then I wondered why I even cared.

When we had was amazing, yes and it was my first time. I had no control over my actions and I had lost my sense. I was not the only one to blame though. He had kissed me back, had touched me and initiated more. In that moment, I had no worries. I didn't think about what I had lost, I wasn't contemplating death, instead, I had actually loved living while I was in his presence for that short time.

I shook my head and leaned against a random tree.

"Forget about it." I mumbled to myself and slid down to sit. I haunched over and closed my eyes. "Forget all about it."

I never thought I'd see him. If anything, I was sure he and I were enemies or something, but then again, I seemed wrong about most things so far. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the man with long white hair.

"Gabriel..." He said faintly and I  groaned. I had fallen asleep and my head was pounding. "How about I take you home?"

Home. I had nothing of the means, I was an orphan with no friends. What home could I possibly have if my heart was still with me? I followed him anyway. He raised me from the ground and closed his eyes. I watched as the grass and leaves twirled around us and within seconds I was among people I didn't know.

The Greyhound Mountain pack, of course.

"You said I shouldn't come back." I reminded him clenching my teeth and Theodore smirked.

"Someone convinced me otherwise." I tilted my head and followed him inside. The air-conditioning had me sighing in relief as I entered the large house. There were teens in the living room this time talking while the TV was on mute. The dining hall had three kids doing homework on the table and I was taken into the kitchen.

"Would you like orange juice, mango, grape or soda?"

"Either," I said not really picky and having no clue what any of those tasted like. A man came rushing in, wet and muddy.

"Travis! Seriously, you will be on cleaning duty for a month at this rate." Theodore huffed then and the boy whose bright blue eyes caught mine smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry," he snapped his fingers and his trail of mud began to rise slowly, he flicked his wrist and it went out the door while I looked at his feet to see him begin to rise off the ground slowly. "I'll be more careful." The boy winked at me then and rushed up the stairs.

I looked at Theodore who offered me a glass of dark liquid.

"Grape," he said and drank his juice. It was sweet and I found myself liking it. "Now, I believe we need to sort some things out for you."

"Oh?" I said as he lead me upstairs."like what?"

"Just the normal, schooling, a room, etc."

And so began my introduction to actual civilization.

5.Caster Gabriel's Love(mxm)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang