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Dante drove with a smile on his face, Raphael in the backseat.

"Wait, let me get this straight..." Raphael said after I told him that I am Gabriel, their Gabriel from all those years ago, just...younger. Incarnated and I had the memories. "You remember your life and everything. How is that even...? Reincarnation doesn't work that way!" He exclaimed sitting forward, his head poking in between Dante and I.

Since he was blocking my view from perfection, I scowled and pushed his face.

"Stop blocking my view,you bigot." He touched his chest offended and Dante slid his hand between my fingers with a smile.

"I think I like you better when you knew nothing." He grumbled and I laughed, catching him smile softly through the rearview mirror.

"Liar." He rolled his eyes.

"Now, are you sure this Theodore will have answers?"

"He has too. Being on the council, it has it's perks. Maybe he can tell me what exactly I'm supposed to be doing." I told them honestly.

"Maybe this time you can steer clear of death." Dante frowned at me and I looked away from him subtly. "I'm so glad to have you back. No matter what he says, you are not leaving my side. Ever."

I couldn't help but smile.

"Deal." I said gazing at him.

"Anyway! Look, Gabe, my guy! I missed you too, in case you were wondering." I laughed at Raphael.

"What did you get up to, child?" I ended up asking him. "I bet you have caused quite the trouble over the years."

"Oh, you know, a little booze here, some kidnapping there. All in good time really." He smirked and I rose a brow knowing how troublesome he could be.

"He has been working my nerve. " Dante shook his head fondly. "He took this African prince and nearly started an unnecessary war with the vampires that side. One of the clans was engaged to the boy, the people didn't know they were vampires." Dante explained and I gasped.

"Heh! Look! Gabriel! He was so precious! Even you wouldn't have been able to help yourself!"

"Oh gods." I face palmed and laughed.

"Poor boy didn't even know English! He stabbed him a few times. That was fun to watch."

"Asshole! At least tell him I won him over!" Raphael pouted. "He wouldn't leave once his betrothed arrived. That was fun."

"Cleaning the blood off my walls wasn't." Dante pointed out and I shook my head. Watching them, I realised how much I had missed this in my time in Sanctum. Their crazy stories and Raphael's troublesome antics. I missed the bond Dante and I had. I touched my neck then and smiled.

It was good to be back, back at his side, even if I may not deserve it. Even if he was in danger if finding out the truth about my 'death'.

I sighed into my chair just as I saw the roof of the pack house. I felt my heart jump as Dante pulled to a stop. I nodded. Whatever happens, happens.

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