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I felt a buzz. My head was spinning as I opened my eyes. Everything was brighter and slower. I sat up and looked over to him. What had I done?

I found myself move out of bed in no time, crashing into the wall naked. The loud bang caused him to stir. Wide eyed I stared at the boy. He groaned and rolled onto his back. I froze as he yawned and sat up stretching. He gave a smile as he gaze stayed down. He rubbed his neck and my eyes widened further.

"No..." I said and was in front of him in no time. I turned his head to the side.

"Hey!" He protested as I fixated on the bite mark. I drank from him. I bit him and we had sex. We basically mated.

I felt myself suck in a breath and shake my head.

"This isn't happening." I let go of him and he pouted looking up at me with those golden brown eyes.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He said and moved to stand. I watched him enter the bathroom in shock.

What had I done?

I tried to rack my brain for a solution, for an explanation. I found non. Last night... something, something had happened, the attraction, it was so strong, so primal and raw. It made no sense. I had lost myself in a moment of pure lust. I rubbed my face in my hands then as the panic wore off.

I could fix this. I just needed to make the boy leave. Make him understand that it had been a mistake. That hopefully the bit would fade, would not take.

I had made a promise after all, to him.

I nodded then finding it the best thing to do. I pulled at the covers of the bed then and laid them in a bundle in the corner.

"Don't even think about coming in here!" I said to Raphael who had yet to open the door and was standing just outside. My senses were on high and I cursed myself for being so stupid.

This is what happened when a vampire feed off a caster.

Raphael opened the door with wide eyes.

"What's wi-" he sniffed and dark veins showed beneath his eyes, turning them red and he smirked. "Looks like someone had fun last night." He joked coming in and I seethed.

"This isn't funny." I said eying the bathroom door where the boy was, showering.

"Oh, it actually is!" Raphael laughed then and I flared my nose making him raise his hands up. "Hey, man. There is nothing wrong with getting some. Its not like you bit him whi- no." His reddish brown eyes widened. "You didn't!"

I sighed and fell down onto my bare ass. I grabbed my head then and heard the distant honking of cars. I focused and shut off the unnecessary sounds.

"I don't even know how I ended up bedding him anyway." I grumbled and looked away.

"Oh, here is what we will do." I looked at him sharply

"We aren't doing anything!" I told him standing. "He just needs to leave and never come back!" I went to my dresser and pulled on some pants. I was getting a hard on which was not something I wanted to deal with. "Bringing him here," I shook my head. "Huge mistake. See this, this is why you shouldn't leave me alone!" I pointed to Raphael who blanched.

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