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A month had gone by within the blink of an eye. Life was normal enough even with the gapping hole in my chest. I managed to get comfortable in the scene of school. I was on the swimming team funny enough, which proved to be an excellent stress reliever for me.

I was acquainted with the pack and we got along perfectly. I had no real friends but I had people I spoke to from time to time. Other than that, everything was quiet.

Except I missed him.

I didn't think it was possible to miss someone you hardly knew, to want to be near them as much as I wanted to right now. I sat in the pack library across from Trent, we had been paired for a history assignment and were using our time now to work on it. I felt the longing and sadness of being away from Dante and for some reason it was intense.

"You're districted, stop it." Trent said gruffly without even looking at me. Trent Phoeb was someone I found much more tolerable than all the other Phoebe children which were a total of  7, two of which had long since disappeared, or rather run off together. Trent was a rather silent and brooding type, he never said more than what was necessary and he hates beating around the bush.

"My bad." I said and went back to work, ignoring the sense of pain in my neck. The bit mark hadn't faded even now that a month has passed. I was 17 already and true to his word, I had not seen Dante, not even on my birthday, which I had hoped he'd sneak by for. I guess he meant what he said and it was time I accepted that.

We worked for another hour before Trent stretched out and checked his watched. He nodded his good bye and we said we would met again on Wednesday to finalize everything.

I had free time on my hands which lead me to going out into the forest surrounding the pack house. I was alone and it was nicer that way.

It may have been a month and I may have gotten used to living here but I still didn't feel like I belonged. I went to the spot that Theodore used to help all the casters in the pack train their magic.

I sat beside the small puddle of water which was just always there and sighed. I rubbed neck and I felt the odd sensation of eyes looking at me. I looked around to see if anyone was spying and found nothing.

I stuck my hand into the puddle of eater then and watched as it travelled up my arm, it went my shoulder and it solidified into ice. I stood then and before I knew it, I swung my iced hand into the person who had been spying on me and he blocked my blow. My eyes wide I felt like I could cry out but didn't.

"You." I said and narrowed my eyes. I raised the iced hand and pointed it at his face. "I said I would kill you if I saw you again."

He remained silent and with a lot of focus, a sharp shard of ice, shot out and hit his shoulder. He gasped and looked at the ice lodged into his flesh.

"You weren't kidding, huh?" Dante hissed as he pulled it out,covered in blood.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him again and he just watched me.

"I came to apologize..." He leaned to the side, eying my neck and frowned while I slapped my hand over the bite mark. "And see if it faded." He frowned.

"Yeah, well, apology not accepted and you should leave before I really aim to kill." I laid my arms down feeling tired. The ice on my arm began to melt slowly, flowing down into the puddle and settling.

"Gabriel..." He trailed off and I looked at him sharply.

"There is no need to make things difficult, Dante. We barely know each other, we have no bond, even if the bite still stands." I said having read up on Vampire mating.

Basically, they identified their mates with scent, their one true love always smelled stronger, their blood made them crazy. The bite is always inflicted during intercourse as a sign of acceptance and love and it only ever held if there was genuine love or affection between both partners. In other words, if one of the two in a vampire mating bond, stopped loving the other, it would slowly and painfully begin to fade. It's why vampires don't mate often.

"It still stands, which makes me worry and slightly confused." He told me and sighed. He stepped closer to me and I stepped back making him roll his eyes. "Let me look!"

"No!" I said finally and he tilted his head. "You told me to leave, I left." I reminded him. "You have no right to be here right now."

"But you wanted me here!" He said and his nose flared. I could only tilt my head in confusion.


"You called me over and over again!" He said throwing his hands around and I was utterly confused, as I tried to remember when I did that, I touched my mark and suddenly I had been pressed against the floor. I gasped and looked up to see Dante, panting, his eyes low and he growled before I felt him press into me. My eyes widened then as I felt his erection against me. "Don't ever touch that bite, do you understand?" His eyes began to clear as he stared at me neck. "Never, not until its gone."

He pushed up and straddled me and then he was gone. I was left alone, my breathing heavy and my heart breaking,but still I found some anger and I clung to it instead of the emptiness of being alone.

I walked slowly to the pack house, trying to shake out the anger and the memory of Dante pressed against me.

I walked into the pack house and the energy was tense.

"I have to go to school now..." Danielle said slowly as her brother held her. She looked like a zombie which had me worried.

"Danielle, school is tomorrow." He growled at her and she blinked and furrowed her brows. She smiled suddenly and touched his face.

"You are handsome, what's your name?" She asked and I felt the people around hold their breathe.

Since I got back, the girl has been out of it. She would wake in the night at random and just stare out at the sky and sing. Sometimes she would begin watering the plants and there were times she would get violent.

Nobody knew what was happening to her, not even Theodore. I had barely known these people but I cared enough to be alarmed by her behaviour.

Danielle was a beautiful girl with a big heart. Her memory seemed to be going back an forth the last two weeks. There were days she didn't know any or the pack members and she would start panicking thinking she was kidnapped. Other times she seemed to feel like an old woman because she'd complain about her back and her eyes and call us doll face, sweetheart or pudding. She'd then talk about her siblings children even though non of them had any at the moment.

Right now, as she stared at Claude, her older brother, I could tell he felt like breaking down at the sight of his younger sister being so wild.

I approached and touched Danielle's hand and she gasped, her eyes went completely silver and she spoke in a weird raspy voice.

"Three years in counting." She gasped and shook her head, her brows furrowed. "He will begin again." She groaned and bowed her head. "She rides west in se-" she gasped and whimpered. "See not, hear not. The gat-" Danielle let's out a wild scream and grabbed onto her head and I let go watching her. Then she gasped, her head came up and she blinked rabidly. Theodore was beside us in no time and Danielle shook her head.

Suddenly she smiled brightly and looking around.

"Woah, you guys look like you've seen a ghost." She laughed and looked at her backpack. "Oh, wait, is it Monday already?"

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