Chapter 22- This So Not Working

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"Gahhahaha!!!" Greg hollered. Again. For the 50th time. In the early morning.

I took my pillow and put it over my head to try to block out his loud roar, like I have for the past hour. Greg was up in the living room watching TV and laughing. He was the only one out of bed while everyone else was still trying to stay asleep.

I heard a door slam and footsteps. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I heard Kara growl.

I shot out of bed to control Kara. She enjoys her sleep and gets disturbed when someone wakes her from her slumber.

"Huh?" Greg looked up at Kara who was in her pj's and rocking a bedhead look.

"I was sleeping."


Kara stared at him and looked like she was going to say something very rude before I ran over and covered her mouth.

"What's going on here?" Niall yawned.

"Why don't you and Greg go get some coffee from Starbucks? Fast." I rolled my eyes at Kara who looked really pissed off.

"Oh! Hold on Greg. Let me go put on some clothes." Niall understood and went back to the room.

"So, how'd you sleep?" Greg asked me.

"Perfect." I smiled sarcastically.

"I don't sleep that long, I usually watch TV until the rest of the house is up."

"Really? I couldn't tell."

"Come on Greg!" Niall came running out of the room and grabbed Greg pulling him out the door.

"Mmmhhmmmhhmmm." Kara mumbled. I looked at her and I realised I still had my hand over her mouth.

"Sorry." I pulled my hand back.

"Thanks for saving me."

"Anytime." I winked at her.

"I don't think Greg has ever lived with young woman who need there sleep." Kara thought.

"Why?" Harry emerged from his cave.

"You didn't hear Greg!?" I raised my eyebrows.

Harry yawned and stuck his hand down his pants to scratch his... area. I swear I've seen every guy in the morning do that. I don't know why, but they just do.


"Are you kidding me? I was up in bed just cursing!" Kara looked at him wide eyed.

"I was having a good dream." Harry smiled.

"About what?" Kara asked.

"I was with someone special and it was hot and loud. She was screaming my name all night." Harry winked at Kara.

"Who was it? Your mom?" I laughed.

"Ask Kara." Harry grinned cheekily and walked back to his little cave. I watched him walk with my mouth hanging open. Oh my God!!!

"Kara!!!!" I screamed. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the couch.

"Sit yo' ass down!" I pushed her down and sat next to her.


"What's going on with Harry?!"

"We're going out. You know that."

"I know! But,are you intimate? Nicknames? Future? Fling?"


"Tell me!"

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