The First Sign

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"Tara, come quick!"

Gloria beat me back to camp, shouting like crazy. Tara was with Zeke taking inventory on food supply.

" Why what's wrong Gloria?" She answered back in alarm.

By now I was next to Gloria.

" Just come with us." I breathed.

The four of us sprinted the two streets over, Me in the lead, Tara and Zeke at my heels, Gloria trailing behind them. Soon the red substance came into view again, and we all slowed to a stop. There on the floor, was blood, that spelled out the scariest phrase imaginable:

"Your time is up"

Tara's eyes widened, with a mix of alarm and curiosity. Zeke just stood there, mouth wide open.

" Call everyone together for an emergency meeting" Tara spat.

The three of us nodded briskly and retreated back to camp in a hurry. The trip back felt like it took longer, but I didn't feel any of it. I was too deep in thought. What was going to be done about the creepy message? I bit my lip. a habit I picked up from my mom.

Gosh I miss her.

Snapping out of my thoughts, Gloria and I followed Zeke to a small speaker on the wall, with a small white button under it. Zeke held down the button and spoke sharply into the microphone.

" Attention, everybody file out into the streets for an emergency meeting." Not even after a minute he said that about half of the camp was already in the street. I saw Tara turn the corner and jog towards us.

" Oh good, almost everybody's here. hand me the megaphone Zeke."

After handing her the megaphone, Tara climbed onto a nearby table, and faced the crowd.

" Attention everyone, I'm afraid I have some, er, ALARMING news. We found a sentence written on the ground two streets over in what appears to be blood. Now we don't know how it got there, but if it is some kind of sick prank, speak now, otherwise you will be severely punished."

No one said a word, they all looked scared.

"Ok then, carry on." She said cheerfully.

Everybody stared at her for a second, and then slowly went back to whatever they were doing.

" Tara, why didn't you tell them what's going on?!?!" Zeke asked, perplexed.

Tara wheeled around on her heel to face him.

"Because, I want the resistance to take this case first."

Then she turned to face me.

" And I want you, to join us, in the resistance."

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