Lesters Injury

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Once we entered the camp, about five nurses rushed over to us with a stretcher and first aid kit. Gavin slowly placed Lester on the stretcher, and they escorted Gavin over to the first aid tent.

" Rachel, I need to go check on something, would you stay with Gavin and Lester?" Tara asked.

I was stunned at first, because I haven't even been at the camp for two days, but I nodded, and walked towards the two boys. Lester was laying on the stretcher while nurses looked at his cut, and Gavin was getting stitches on his forehead for a gash I didn't notice before. I sat across from him and watched the nurse finish up the stitches. I studied Gavin for the first time since I met him. He had brown hair,hazel eyes, a few freckles, and awesome 60's looking glasses. He also was taller then me, maybe about two inches. Lester was almost a copy of Gavin, except Lester didn't have glasses and he had lots of freckles. The nurse finished up with Gavin and moved on to helping Lester. Gavin suddenly looked at me, in deep thought.

" You look familiar, where did you go to school?" Gavin asked suddenly.

" Brooklyn Middle School." I answered back, heat rushing to my cheeks.

" Why I'm I blushing?" I thought.

Either he didn't notice or he didn't care, because he was still looking at me. Then a nurse walked over to Gavin.

" Ok, we've done everything we can, Lester is going to live, but he has to wear a cast on his leg for a while, and the first two weeks he has to be in a wheel chair, so he can heal. But for you, you need to have those stitches for a week and once the week is up, come back so we may remove them."

Gavin nodded and the nurse walked away. Then Tara walked towards us.

" Hey Rachel, the sun is about to set, can you show Gavin to his room? It's right next to yours. Lester is going to stay over night in the first aid department."

I stood up and Tara tossed me the room keys. Gavin got up, took one last look at his brother, and followed me into the old building. We went up the five flight of stairs and I walked to the room right next to mine. I handed him the keys.

" Hey, thanks." Gavin said suddenly.

I stared at him.

"For what?" I asked confused.

" For everybody caring so much about my brother and I"

He smiled at me and walked into his room. I pulled my keys out and swung open my door. Gloria was already asleep, with her shoes still on. I pulled off her shoes and pulled the covers over her. Kicking off my own shoes, I turn to get in bed, but Roxie is laying on my bed. I shift her over and climb in. I fell asleep almost instantly.

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