The Girl in the Mysterious Shades

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I stared at Gloria. She was pretty AND she had a pretty name.

"Well, my name is Rachel." I responded back.

We both stood up and started to walk down the next street. Roxie saw us leave so she abandoned the fire hydrant and ran to catch up with us. This street looked just like the last one. buildings ready to collapse at the slightest touch, assorted objects scattered everywhere. Suddenly Roxie stopped walking. Gloria and I both turned towards her.

"Roxie come on." I said.

But she didn't move. Her ears perked up like little satellites, she clearly heard something. Then she started to bark at something behind me. Just when I turned around someone tackled me and pinned my shoulders to the ground. They pointed a gun at me. I quickly realized that this person was also a girl, wearing black shades.

"State your name, age, and reason for being here!" said the girl in the mysterious shades.

"My name is Rachel Reel, I'm 13, and my mother died in the earthquake."

The girl studied me, and then lowered her gun.

"Well then, welcome to the resistance." the girl said. she helped me up and I finally got a better look at the girl. besides the shades, she was wearing ripped jeans, leather boots, a black shirt that said PARAMORE on it, and a leather jacket over it.

"What's the resistance?" I asked uneasy

" It's an organization that we created in the past three days that wants to know where our parents are." answered the girl.

" I was knocked out for three days?" I thought.

"Wait, what do you mean where our parents are?" I suddenly asked.

"Didn't you know, when the earthquake happened, all of our parents just....... disappeared." replied the girl.

I gasped, that's was just unbelievable.

"What's your name?" Gloria asked quietly.

The girl looked at Gloria.

"Tara" she answered back.

Suddenly I started to feel really lightheaded

"Lets get your friend back to camp for food and medical assistance" said Tara, pointing towards my gash. So Tara put my good arm around her shoulder, and slowly escorted me to the rebel base.

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