🌹Chapter 17🌹

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I know it's been forever since I lastly updated. And I'm sorry. I'll be giving continuous updates from today.



It'd been three days since Nonna's party and I still couldn't shake of the sadness in me. Who could imagine that all this while that Zach's been bragging about his new girl, she turns out to be Tori? My TORI? And the baby she was with. Her baby for a fact since the adorable child called her 'mommy'. Why did it feel like I knew the child?  Plus she had some of my features. Dark brown eyes and curly brown hair. Wait! What if Tori was already married?

Don't be a dumbass. If she was married would you have seen her with Zach?

I had to talk to Tori and find out why she stopped all contacts with me. She promised to wait for me and then she ignored me throughout. Heaven knows I tried to get in touch with her but nothing was possible. 

I ran my fingers through my hair, looking at the screen in front of me. I needed to go through the details before doing business with Carlson Grey. The office phone rang and I picked it up. "Sir, Miss Roberts is here to see you." I heard my P.A.'s voice and groaned. Not now Alyssa. Before I could even respond, my door flew open and she walked in.

"Hi baby. I've missed you so much." She said making her way towards me and sitting on my desk and pushing all the files in the process. "If its because I didn't make it to your grandma's party I'm not sorry. That woman hates me and the feeling is mutual." She said rolling her eyes.

"Good morning Alyssa." I greeted her since she didn't think of it. I just wasn't in the mood for her drama today. Tori had been clouding my mind for three days now and I needed to see her. We needed to talk.

Alyssa leaned in and kissed me. "I like it when you greet me. Just sounds sexy. It's a turn on for me."

I scoffed. That sounded weird as fuck. Who gets turned on by greetings? "Ally?" I called out in a calm voice.

She smiled. "Yes baby. Wanna give me some sugar right now?"

I would have been glad to do that on any other normal day but ever since I saw her, I couldn't stop thinking about her. And that baby.  "Ally I'll really love to but I have to prepare for a meeting with Mr. Grey. He's a potential investor and I can't bare to loose him." I said, faking how important this meeting was supposed to be. I was trying hard not to loose my temper with her or I might sleep on the couch tonight.

She rolled her eyes. "Ian you're the best in everything you do and you know there's no one who can beat you when it comes to business. I just came back to the country and I missed you so much. Forget about him and screw me now." She demanded.

I stood up and walked to the window. "I'm not in the mood Alyssa. And right now, you need to leave before I loose my damn temper on you." I said in a firm tone making her flinch.

"Did you just talk to me like that? Ian how dare you?"

I ran my fingers through my hair again. I wasn't in good shape right now and she was clearly pissing me off. "Ally I have work. I run seven companies in a row and I need to do my best in all and that means I need to work. Right now. I'll see you tonight."

She picked up her bag. "Well you can forget about seeing me tonight asshole." She retorted and walked out. I thought as much.

I needed to talk to Tori or I might loose it. I picked up my phone and dialled Fabian's number. "Hey buddy, I need you to find a certain woman for me. Her name's Tori Donovan. And I need her address before 6 p.m."

"Sure thing bro." He said and I hung up. Fabian and I grew up together but he left N.Y. when we got into high school. That's why he didn't know Tori.

I could trust him to get me as much information as possible. I tried to work but who was I kidding? I couldn't work. Less than 30 minutes later, Fabian walked into my office. "Got any news?"

He looked at me as if I had lost my mind. "I dunno about you but Tori Donovan works for you."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I hated it when people made jokes when I was in a serious mood.

He sat down on the couch. "What I'm saying is, that woman works here. This particular company. As a cook for your mini restaurant. You should know all this but from what I see, you're more interested in making the money than knowing your employees."

He was right. I didn't take time to know most of my employees. But what in the world was I hearing. I've thought of all ways to get to Tori only to find out she works for me. I immediately searched for her name under the list of employees and Fabian was right. There she was. I got her address and without thinking twice, I got up, ready to leave. I turned to Fabian. "Thanks buddy."

I didn't even wait for his reply and got out, making my way to my personal elevator and going to the lobby. It was past four already meaning she probably was at home. I got into my car, speeding off towards her house. My goodness.

I pulled up to some poor street. She lived here? With all the money her parents had, she lived here? How is that possible? I shrugged and made my way to the apartment. Number 107. I rang the bell hoping she'd be in but the door opened and I saw a young girl instead. "Uhh....hi. I'm looking for Tori Donovan. I'm Ian Weizmann."

Her eyes widened when she realized who I was. "Oh my God. Mr. Weizmann, owner of Weizmann Corp?"

I nodded. "Does she live here?"

The girl nodded, clearly shocked. "But why should I let you in? She never told me you'll be stopping by."

Oh boy! "Uhh....I'm Zach's cousin and I have to give her something." I lied, hoping my lie won't backfire on me.

"Oh Zach. Okay. I'm her baby's nanny, Rita. Please come in, though she's not around." Rita who looked like a teenager said,sounding unsure.

I smiled at her. "Sweetheart I'm not an assassin. I just need to talk to my friend." I said and walked in. I know she blushed because I called her sweetheart. Rita locked the door and led me to the sitting room.

My heart stopped as I saw the little girl playing. Back faced to me. "Riri is it momma?" She asked concentrating on her dolls. Her voice was like sweet music to my ears.

Rita walked over to her. "No sweetheart. It's your mommy's friend."

That got her attention as she turned to face me. She smiled shyly. "Hi mister."

There it was. My heart leapt a bit. Why did Tori have a child with another man? We planned on having our own children together. "I'll call Tori right now to let her know you're here, Mr. Weizmann." Rita said politely.

I nodded with a smile, I couldn't take my eyes off the baby. "Hi sweetheart. I'm Ian, and you are?"

She gave me a warm smile. "I'm Dahlia." She told me proudly.

I don't know what got into me but I spoke up. "Sweetie can I get a hug?"

She nodded shyly and walked over to me, I bent down and she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.

"Get your arms off my daughter." I heard the unmistakable voice.

I turned around, clearly shocked. When did she come back. "Tori?"

"Leave right now."


Ooops. Sorry for the short chapter. 😂  And sorry for the typos.

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FOR THE LOVE OF DAHLIA Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora