Trouble Part three!

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My eyes fluttered open. I look around to see that I was in my room, but why? Suddenly, everything came rushing back to me. The club hanging at the beach, some drunk guys came and almost hurt some of the girls, Haruhi and I being thrown into the water, and I blacking out. Wait. HARUHI!

I jumped out of the warm bed to see that I was in some basketball shorts and a red t-shirt. I ran towards my closed door and swung it open to see a long hallway. My legs ran at a fast speed down the hallway to two double doors. I slowed down and walked up to the doors like a normal person would. My hand grabbed the cool metal door nob, and twisted it slowly, opening the door. When the door was fully open I could see was Haruhi being hugged to death by the twins, Hani, and Mori, but he was just standing there.

'Where are Tamaki and Kyouya?'

Out of nowhere, a white blur tackled me to the floor leaving wet kisses all over my face.

"AHHHH! Isamu!" I look up to see him on my stomach. My arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him.

"MITZUKI! YOUR OKAY!!!!!!" Hani called out.

Isamu got off of me so I could stand. I was then, again, tackled by the twins and Hani.

"You scared us so much Mitzuki-chan!" Hani cried, literally.

"Ya! Don't ever do that again!" The twins had pleaded.

"Okay! Okay! Look, I'm sorry. Now can you, please, get off me?" I had asked.

"Oops. Sorry." All three say releasing me from their hug. I look over to Haruhi, and my eyes widen. I see her wearing a pink nightgown. A light brush of pink cover my cheeks.

"Uh, H-Haruhi... Uhm, you look nice." I give a sheepish smile.

"Oh! Thanks!" I could tell she blushed a bit.

"KAWAIIIIIIIIII!" All three yelled.

I turn my head towards Mori, and gave a soft smile. He did the same back to me. There was a moment of awkward silence, but then I broke it.

"So. Where are Tamaki and Kyouya?"

"Oh. Tamaki headed to bed and Kyouya went with him." The twins say.

"Oh..." I look at the crab covered table, "Looks like you guys already had dinner."

"Ya. Sorry about that," Haruhi says scratching the back of her neck, "we all got hungry and ate without you."

"It's okay! I'm not that hungry anyway."

Then, Haruhi's face went green.

"What's wrong?" Hikaru asked.

"My stomach doesn't feel so good~." Her hand raced up to her mouth.

"WHA!?" I say in confusion.

"We told you that you shouldn't eat that much crab!" The twins scolded.

"Haru-chan! Hang in there!" Hani told. Haruhi looked like she was about to puke any second.

"Go to the toilet already!" Kaoru said.

Haruhi raced out of the dining room with her hand glued to her mouth. We all just watched as she left.

"Well. It's time we head to bed." The twins yawned

"Same for us!" Hani said rubbing his eye as Mori picked him up.

"M'kay! Night." They waved goodnight and left, leaving Isamu and I alone. I took a seat in one of the chairs, letting out a sigh. My gaze looked over to the window.

"Man. It seems really cloudy. There might be a storm." I felt a soft texture touch my palm. I look down to see Isamu wanting attention. I giggled and started to scratch and rub his head, ears, and neck.

The suddenly, a loud boom came out of the sky as a bright flash lite up the sky. By this surprise, I jumped a bit in my seat.

'A storm huh? Wait, storm!?' "HARUHI!" I jump out of my seat and run to find Haruhi.

Another loud crack came. This made me run even faster. I have to find her! She can never get through these!

I passed by a door to hear a loud gasp. I turned to that door and swung it open as another boom came. I came to see that Tamaki and Haruhi were hugging. My eyes softened at the sight.

'At least she has someone to be there for her.'

"M-Mitzuki!?" I snap out of my thought to see a frightened Tamaki stand there with Haruhi in his chest.

"It's okay! No need to be scared!" Haruhi looked up and saw me. She instantly ran up to me and hugged tightly. I was shocked at first, but then wrapped my arms around her in comfort. "I'm here Haruhi. I'm here." She gripped even tighter onto me.

"Mitzuki," I look up to see Tamaki looking at me. "is there by chance any way to help Haruhi out?" I thought for a moment.

"Ya! There is!" I say still holding Haruhi. "By chance, do you have any cloth?"

"Ya! Hold on." He moved towards his dresser and pulled out a long cloth. "Will this do?"

"Ya! Perfect!" I tell him. "Now, wrap this around her eyes while I got get my headphones."

"Okay." I have Haruhi let go of me so I can get to my room.

I walk out of the room and to my room. Surprisingly, my room was just across from theirs. I open the door and step in. My eyes scan the room until the land on a pair of black headphones. My legs carried me towards them, and I picked them up. I turned back around to head out the door. As I get out I see the group in the doorway.

I see Tamaki all frantic and yelled "NO! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" After hearing that I slowly backed away back to my room. I closed the door and laughed out loud. I was laughing so hard that I cried.

"AWWWW man! That was a good one!" I say wiping a tear away.

~Time Skip brought to you by Tamaki's fails at life >:3~

I was waiting in the Limo, while listening to music, for everyone to get in. I saw Haruhi get in and talk as she rolled up her window. Soon everyone else got in. Wait. Where's Tamaki? I look around to see where he is, but the car started to move. I moved to the window and rolled it down. I stuck my head out to see Tamaki yelling and running after us. My music was blasted loud so I could only read his lips, which I'm horrible at.

I brought my head back in the car and rolled up the window. I sat back down in my seat next to Isamu. My music was going on, but one question popped up in my head.

'Who rescued me?'

RAINBOWS!!!!!!! LAWL! I'm SO SORRY that I haven't updated in FOREVER! But life has gotten more busy for especially when school started! Please forgive me!!!!!! Any way! I hope that you like this chapter!

Don't forget to Comment! Vote! Share! And FOLLOW!!!!!!! u! Byes!

{have this donut as a token of my sorryness!}

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