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~Mitzuki's POV~

I was almost done with the competition, I just had to stay on the rail until the end. But then the worst thing happened.

I was still on the rail over millions of steps. Until, my skateboard slipped off the rail from under me.

Everything was in slow motion as I fell to the bottom. I closed my eyes not knowing what will happen next.

Then, CRACK!

I shot my eyes open, and let out a blood curling scream. Pain shot up my left arm.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed as I laid on one of the steps.

"MITZUKI!" Everyone yells and runs to me in panic.

I look down at my arm to see blood, and it twisted backwards.

"MITZUKI!? ARE YOU OKAY!?" Tamaki asks me in a frantic voice.

"DOES IT LOOK *Small scream* LIKE IT!?" I say as I start to cry in pain.

"Kyouya call 911!" Tamaki orders.

Kyouya nods and dials 911. Haruhi holds my right hand in comfort as I squeeze her's hard.

Every one was around me, trying to comfort me as the ambulance came.

Soon enough, the ambulance came and took me away to the hospital.

Just as the ambulance doors where about to close, I see Mori- Senpai with a shock face and almost was on the verge of tears. Then the doors closed and took me away.

~At the Hospital 3rd Person POV~

"We are here to see Mitzuki Yoshida." Tamaki says to the front desk lady.

"Ah. Yes. You must all be friends. She is in room 237." The lady responds.

"Thank you." Tamaki says as everyone follows with big balloons, gifts, and cards.

Everyone reaches room 237. Tamaki opens the door to see Mitzuki turning her head to see everyone. She smiled as they entered the room.

~Haruhi's POV~

"Hey Mitzuki." I say as walk up to her to give a hug.

"Hey guys." She responds. I give her a hug but accidentally touched her cast thingy.

She let out a small, painfully hiss.

"Oh! Sorry Mitzuki!" I apologize to her.

"Ahe. It's okay." We all look at her with a fake and sheepish smile. We all talked about how she was and she responded most of the questions with happiness in her voice.

Then the nurse came in.

"Hi everyone! I'm Nurse Maka. Nice to meet you." Nurse Maka says as she walks in the room.

"Hi." Everyone says.

"Not to be a downer, but I will have to cut this visit short for a while." She says.

We all look at each other with a gloom look.

"Oh. Okay." I say as the rest stayed quiet. We all got up and was about to walk out.

"But at 5:30 you can come back to see her." The nurse says as we left.

"Okay. Thank you!" I say as we left the hospital.

~Tamaki's POV~

It was 5:09 and everyone from the Host Club had left for home. I was going to see Mitzuki again and see how he is doing.

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