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A/N: I would like to thank Mimi_Tomlinson_1D for writing this whole thing! THANK YOU! And hope that you enjoy!



Mitzuki Yoshida never knew what it was like to experience both of her parents dying before her eyes, especially at her age. She'd heard about it at her large high school, where teens became depressed and suicidal from the loss of someone so special, but could not help them because she hadn't been able to relate. Until it finally happened to her.

At first, all she heard was a loud barking from the dog that had lived in the house in front of her. Thinking nothing of it, since it was just one of those noisy dogs, she quickly feel asleep. Little did she know, that dog would be her savior that she had so easily ignored.

Nightmares had always been a problem for her, ever since she was a small girl. However, this time the nightmare didn't end when she woke up.

Loud screams where heard from down her hall as she jumped up quickly, ready to fight off anything. She held an angry facade, which hid what she wanted to escape. Fear.

She quickly ran down the hall towards the screams, where her mind kept telling her to run from, not run to. Suddenly, the screams stopped altogether. She ran faster now, finally stopping in front of her parents door. However, at the bottom of the door, a pool of blood surrounded her feet, covering them with the red substance. There she look up shakily to see her parents sprawled along the floor, unmoving, unbreathing, blood puddled around their bodies.

The large window, the only window, was open wide with a large breeze blowing back her hair, making it easier to see what had happened. Her parents had been murdered. While she was still there. While she was sleeping for goodness sakes!

Why didn't she help? Why did she just ignore it? Why didn't she do anything?!

All she could do now was cry. Cry for her loss. Cry for everything that had happened.

She could finally understand those teens filled with loss.

So she ran. Ran to the only place she knew that she could go. The only person that had seemed to care. Her aunt.

Depression quickly filled her, taking her over the longer she stayed at Auntie Rin's. At age sixteen, death stayed in her mind each day. Would it be easier to just leave? To let go? It probably would. Yet she still told herself to hold on, it can get better. Yet it never did.

~One Week Later~

"Mitzuki?" Her aunt called. Her aunt was rich of course. Absolutely wealthy. Yet she never wanted to give a share to her family. How dare she!

"Yes Auntie Rin?" She knew she had to obey. If not, she'd no longer even have a home.

"I'm sending you to school." She said. Mitzuki groaned loudly. Her life was already messed up! Why make it worse?

"No. I refuse." Mitzuki said angrily. Auntie Rin quickly looked at her and gave a death glare.

"As fast as I took you in, I could easily kick you out." She replied coldly.

Mitzuki sighed loudly.

"Fine. Where?"

"Ouran Academy." Are you kidding me? Ouran? The one Haruhi goes to? She's the only one who is nice to me, so I guess it will be alright.

"When do I start?"


A/N: MAN THAT WAS A LOT TO DO! Well I hope that you all enjoyed! I will be making chapter on really soon! 💙 you all!

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