Chapter 38- Muggy

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Turns out I broke both my left arm and leg, so I had to get these huge casts that weren't exactly the cutest. I was able to get pink ones though, so I guess that was a plus. The guys were excited they got to sign it, with Two-Bit drawing and writing real dirty things. And if you don't know, you can't get rid of it, so I was stuck with those saying on my body for the next 6 weeks.

About a week after, they let me go back to Curtis', and Darry had decided that I wasn't allowed to do dishes anymore.

 "Good morning sunshine!" Sodapop was standing over the stove, making literal green eggs. I chuckled to myself as I reached for the cabinet with the mugs

"Good morning."

"How's your leg and arm today?"

"Just the same as it was yesterday." I yawned as Sodapop's face had a wave of disappointment pass over it, and he turned back to his eggs. I knew it hurt him to see me hurt.

"Hey, isn't it the girlfriends job to kiss the cook?" I hobbled over to wear he was standing as a grin started to form on his face.

"It couldn't hurt." I leaned in, smiling, and our lips locked. After a couple of seconds, he pulled away, startled. "My eggs are burning." I laughed, as he gave me a playful dirty look and stirred away yet again.

I finally accomplished my goal of opening the cabinet, but there were absolutely no coffee cups, anywhere.

Two-Bit walked into the kitchen with a full chocolate cake and a goofy grin, which seemed usual for him.

"Hey, Nicole. It seems a bit muggy outside, don't you think?" It was definitely him.

I walked as fast as I could to the back door to find all of the coffee mugs sitting on the porch.

"Two-Bit, why are all the mugs on the porch?" Sodapop completely lost it, and started laughing so hard he was turning purple.

Two put his arms up in defense and started laughing too. "It wasn't me."

"You always say that and I never believe you."

"Hey, that's your business." I started to laugh to, and soon the rest of the guys were in stitches too. It took everyone about 5 minutes to calm down and breathe again.

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