Chapter 21- I Get Asked to Prom

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The next day I was going dress shopping with Dally and Johnny at this cute little boutique on main street. Sodapop had refused to tell me what color his tie was going to be before I left, so I had given up on the idea of us matching.

I had dragged Dally with me to give me a guys opinion on my dress, but he refused to go unless another dude was there with him. Apparently going dress shopping with your little sister wasn't tuff.

I had narrowed down my options to three dresses: An ankle length navy Blue one with a ribbon around the waist, a lavender one with little bows around the skirt, and a mint green one that went to about my knees.

I slipped on the navy one and walked out of the dressing room, twirling and swaying like a model for Dally and Johnny as they groaned. This isn't the first time I had shown them this dress; We had been in this place for hours.

"Can't you just pick one so we can get out of here?" Dallas ran his hands through his hair for what must have been the 50th time since we had gotten there.

"It's not that easy." They both sighed and turned their head to look at a girl in way too short shorts that came in the door. I snapped my fingers and Johnny's face turned bright red. "Tell me which one you like the most and I'll just pick that one."

"The mint one man. It looks real good on you." Johnny exclaimed with a smile as I giggled and ran back to grab the dress.

"Thanks Johnny." I pulled the cash out from my wallet to give to the lady, but Dallas stood up and blocked me with his hand.

"I don't know kid. I don't like how short it is." He whispered under his breath, looking around to make sure no one could hear him. It wasn't very often you saw Dallas Winston concerned.

"Good thing I didn't ask for your opinion then Dallas." All three of us chuckled as the lady took the money and bagged the dress with a smile.

When we got home, all the guys were on the porch with huge grins, except for Darry of course. He wasn't home very much anymore.

"Hey Nic." Two-Bit laughed, but Steve elbowed him hard in the ribs with a smile himself.

"Hey?" I walked up the steps warily, and now Dally and Johnny were smiling too, which really freaked me out. "What's the deal with you guys?"

"Oh, nothing." Two-Bit giggled. Ponyboy and Steve each grabbed one of my shoulders and turned me around, marching me back down the steps and towards the garage.

"Just go in there and you'll see." Steve pointed towards the garage door which was open just enough for me to fit through. I turned around and looked at them skeptically. They should know by now that I hate surprises.

When I stood there, Steve gently turned me around and pushed me forward, forcing me to go inside the garage.

I hadn't noticed Sodapop wasn't with the group until I say him standing towards the back of the garage, a giant poster behind him.

The paper hung behind Sodapop, with flowers and cars and chocolate bars drawn all over it in crazy colors, with the background in purple and blue. I finally realized why they were being so secretive lately. I could see Dally's mistake on the corner of the paper; There was blue where the purple should be.

Sodapop was holding a rose, kneeling, with a nervous smile on his face. I couldn't help but laugh as he nervously stuttered to get out what he was trying to say, even though the poster said it all.

"Hey Nic, will you, will you uh, will you go to prom, with uh, with me?" He looked scared out of his mind, like an actual deer in headlights.

"Of course." I giggled and ran over to him, pulling him close as he laughed happily, clearly released that I had said yes.

Whoops and hollers exploded from behind us, the gang clapping and laughing.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes deeply, his smile growing so much it took over his whole face. I smiled too, and nestled my head in the crook of his neck. Saturday would be fun.

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