Chapter 12- I Fall For Sodapop Curtis

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 The guys slowly left, each saying their goodbyes while I sat on the porch. Dallas said he was gonna stay the night at Bucks, but that he wouldn't get drunk just in case I needed him. I appreciated the thought. Eventually I was so cold I had to come back inside.

Sodapop was sitting on the couch, about to pass out, but woke up with a jolt when the screen door slammed. I didn't meet his eyes and slowly walked to the couch where he sat, a t-shirt laid there that I couldn't determine who it belonged to.

"Hey, Nic, can we talk?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, but I kept my eyes on the t-shirt. Avoiding the problem was the strategy that came naturally to me.

I picked up the shirt and started to turn to the bathroom, but he moved quicker than me and blocked me. "Come on Nicole, please just talk to me." His voice broke and I looked into his eyes, they were starting to swell with tears. I fought the urge to break down.

"About what?" My voice was timid, quiet. He had hurt me. Normally, this wouldn't affect me. But this was different. He was different.

"You know what." He stepped closer and reached up to put his hand on my cheek. I fought myself, telling myself to step back. From his hand, from him. But I just couldn't. No, I chided myself. You're not allowed to hurt him too.

"It was nothing." He looked me in the eyes and pushed his lips together. He knew I was lying.

"It wasn't nothing. I refuse to believe I didn't hurt you because I know I did." The way he said it. He was cracked, he felt terrible. I'd already cracked him. I couldn't do this anymore.

I took a slow step back, forcing him to move his hand. "Look Soda, like it or not you're my best friend," the words hurt leaving my mouth. I wanted so badly for it to be more, but it could never be. "So as your best friend I refuse to let you replace me with some black haired skank."

A grin tugged at his lips. "Okay, well I promise I won't date any girl who will lessen my time with you, Winston." I didn't want him to date any girl other than me, but I couldn't tell him that. If I did, he would try to make me his, and if he did that we were both screwed.

"Okay, Curtis. Now I have to get some sleep." I grabbed the shirt and whipped him in the arm with it and he laughed before running up the stairs while I made my way to the bathroom. I smelled a familiar smell on the shirt before I put it on. Sodapop's cologne. I smiled and put it on, before I inched my way to the couch. Darry had started some work on the attic for me, but it would take a while before it was ready. Until then, this was my room. My head hit the pillow and I passed out as soon as it did.

The days past after that all the same. I would go to work after school during the week for 3 days, then work on the weekends. Sodapop was always there, and we'd learned easy ways to pass the time with each other. I always loved going to work, just because we always had fun.

One day about a week from that night we were really slow, as it was finals weeks and the regulars couldn't exactly cut class. I was excused, as I hadn't been in the class long enough to understand the material. I'd be starting Junior year in the fall.

"Would you rather...." Soda thought and licked his popsicle, "Swim a mile in poop or in dead bodies?"

I laughed and cringed as I thought of both options. I was stocking the cigarettes, standing on a step-stool to do it. That was just one of the many perks of being short I suppose. "Mmm, poop. I couldn't handle all the eyes."

"But the smell, Nic?"

"Do you think dead bodies are gonna smell better than poop?" We both laughed, and I smiled down at him from where I was standing. He was sitting in a fold out chair next to me.

After the cigarette case was stocked, I took a step down, or at least I thought I did. I missed the step by about an inch, and I toppled. It was a few feet off the ground, and I assumed I'd end up with a broken ankle or a bruise at least, but nope. As I fell, I happened to fall right in to his arms. The universe has a weird sense of humor.

I looked up at him and he smiled, a genuine Sodapop smile. "Well hello there." He laughed and my face turned bright red. I hoped I wasn't crushing him, but if I was he didn't seem eager to move; I wasn't either.

The bell ringing knocked us out of our daze, and both of our eyes shot to Steve, who was hysterically laughing. I immediately sprung up and grabbed my jacket, knowing my shift was over.

"Jeez, can't y'all get a room?"

"Come on, Steve." Soda got up and rubbed the back of his neck like he was embarrassed. I didn't blame him, it was embarrassing. "You know it ain't like that." I knew it wasn't, but the words still stung a little to hear. "What are you doin' here anyways?"

"I forgot my backpack here yesterday."

I walked out of the store decently quick, hoping that maybe if I made it far enough Steve wouldn't question me on anything and nothing would be awkward. I made it about 30 yards before the sound of screeching brakes filled my ears.

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