Chapter 24- Dally Is A Dick

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After school the next day, I decided to go to the DX. Steve didn't go to school that day since he was already done with most of the tests we were taking. I never understood why they had us take so many tests, but I learned not to argue with my teachers after my second detention.

 "Hey Steve, where's Soda?" I opened a coke and sat on the counter, while Steve rolled his eyes.

"The garage, he got tired of being flirted with and gave me a candy bar to switch with him." He plopped down on a chair and opened a magazine. "Want me to tell him you're here?"

"Oh, no. I wouldn't want to make king Steve work for anything." He looked up and smiled at me, making me laugh. "Besides, he should be done in like 5 minutes. I'll just go back there myself." I hopped of the counter and made my way to the garage.

Sodapop was working hard on a dark green mustang, sweating over abundantly. He had grease all over his hands, and he didn't notice me walk in.

"Wow, I never noticed how sexy you look when you work on a car, Pepsi-Cola. I just might have to come back here more often."

He laughed and looked up from his work. "Maybe you should. You would put all the other girls that come down here to shame."

I leaned in and kissed him, grinning from ear to ear.

"So," I pulled back and ran my fingers through his hair, "You ready to go yet, because I feel like that carborator is a little bit of a 3rd wheel."

"That's an engine."

"Good thing I don't work on cars, then."

"Jeez, you two need a room. Should I leave and let you two to do it on the hood of that car?" Soda took the towel from around his neck and threw it at Steve, grabbing my hand.

"Is that a yes?"

"Shut up, Steve. Let's go."

I sat in the back of Steve's car while Steve and Sodapop sat in the front. "Hey, Nicole, you know Sodapop has a special talent?" Steve smiled in the rearview mirror about halfway to the Curtis'.


Sodapop then began to burp the alphabet while Steve completely lost it.

"EWW!" I slapped the side of Soda's arm. "That's disgusting, you're lucky you're cute." We almost crashed about 10 times on the way home.

We had to make a couple of pit stops, so we got to the Curtis' at around 8. I had this nagging feeling at the back of my head, kind of like I was forgetting something really important.

When we got in, all 3 of us sat on the couch and turned the TV on to a random channel. Ponyboy was at track, so we had the house to ourselves.

"Hey," Steve reached into the cushions and pulled out an old necklace. "Look, it Dally's St. Christopher."

It was at that moment I realized what a dumbass I was sometimes. I was supposed to meet Dally at the Dingo after school to go shopping for a new backpack. I had promised I'd be there.

"I'm real sorry, but I gotta go." I sprung up and grabbed my backpack, running as fast as I could down the street towards the Dingo.

My feet stopped pounding against the pavement when I saw Dallas. He looked absolutely furious as he paced, mumbling curses to himself. I walked over to him, out of breath.

"Where the fuck were you?" He walked towards me, a furious fire in his eyes. I had only see it get this bad once before, and even then it lasted only a second.

"I'm sorry, I forgot." I mumbled, staring at my shoes. He sighed loudly.

"You forgot?! You ain't sorry, you're a dumbass, that's what you are." That's when I snapped.

"I'm not dumb, Dallas! I can handle myself, I don't need you telling me how to do everything! I'm 16! I'm not a kid!" I yelled, feeling the steam come out of my ears. Here he was telling me where I was able to go and not go when.

"Yes, you are a kid. You don't see it because your ego is too big, but everytime you think you can do something, I end up having to rescue you!" Dallas banged his hands on the fence and pointed at me angrily, "So I'm sorry, but I don't want to have to wonder if you're lying dead in a ditch somewhere, Nicole! I didn't ask to be responsible for a brat like you!"

"I'm sorry I'm such a burden to you!" I screamed and ran away from him.

I didn't really have any place to go besides the Curtis', and it was already pretty late, but I figured it was worth try at least. I pounded on the door while the tears streamed down fast. I guess deep down, I knew Dallas didn't want me there. I was just an inconvenience to everyone around me. Sodapop opened the door pretty quickly and didn't ask me why I was crying before he sat with me on the couch as I cried myself to sleep.

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