Chapter 29-Bob Is Also A Dick

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I sat on one of the old benches, which was not a good decision, and started to unbuckle my heels. The tears weren't like a niagara falls on my face anymore. I didn't blame Sodapop for what he did, Sandy was a lot prettier than me, but it still broke my heart. The world is a cruel place. I knew I couldn't go back to the Curtis', and Dally would grill me about why I was crying, and if I told him, well, lets just say it wouldn't be pretty. I didn't necessarily like Soda at that moment, but I wouldn't wish anything bad on him. I still loved him, but I guess he just liked Sandy more than me.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice Bob Sheldon's car pull into the lot, and him and Randy both got out.

"Oh, tough day, greasy trash?" Bob laughed at his own little joke a they towered over me.

"Look," I sniffled, my nose filled with snot, "I have had a rough day. Believe me, nothing you can do to me can come close to what I went through." I scoffed a bit, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Oh, babe, wanna take us up on that bet?" Randy smiled a demonic smile, pulling out a switchblade.

I tried to bolt away from them, but when I stood up, Bob pushed me down to the ground. I tried to scream, but they stuffed something in my mouth.

Randy lifted up my shirt, looking me in the eyes the whole time as he flipped the blade open. I tried to fight away from them as well as I could, but they had my arms and legs pinned down.

The next thing I knew, I felt the cold and sharp edge of the knife on my stomach. The already streaming tears somehow managed to come down harder, and Bob just laughed.

That was the last thing I remember before I passed out.

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