Chapter 31- I Suck At Being Mad

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Sodapop didn't stop trying after that little talk. Everyday, he tried to apologize wherever and whenever he could. I really wanted to forgive him, but I honestly didn't know how.

"Hey, Nic." Sodapop stood from the small chair as I walked into the DX, keeping my stare away from him as I put my hat on and slid behind the counter. I didn't want to ignore him, I really didn't. It was just easier this way.

"Can you like, you know, acknowledge my existence?" He gently turned my face towards his, staring into me with the same loving look he had given me so many times before. His eyes pulled me in again. Butterflies.

"Hey Sodapop. How are you today? Is Sandy good in bed? I bet she is." His eyes stung at my little snark, even though I didn't mean any of it. Sarcasm was just my second way of dealing with things.

"I know you don't mean that. You just want to push me away. But I got news for you Nicole Winston. You can never do that. Because I love you." He smiled grimly, and I really wanted to forgive him. I wanted to feel his arms curl around my body like they had millions of times before.

"You gotta stop doing that." I put my hand gingerly on his cheek as he inhaled sharply.


"Saying things that make me want to kiss you." I mumbled so quietly that I'm surprised he even heard me, but he did.

"No." He stated, moving his hands to my waist. God, he was making this whole not forgiving him thing hard. "I won't ever stop trying, because you and I are meant for each other. I knew it from the moment I met you, that we were meant to be together. I wish I could tell you how sorry I am about Sandy. I never will talk to her again. Because I love you and only you and for the record, she is terrible in bed." I giggled as he leaned in closer.

"Shut up and kiss me already."

Our lips connected in a passionate kiss; Their right when they say  makeup kisses are the best. 

"So," he pulled away, out of breath, "Do you forgive me?"

"Of course, dummy. And now I better be the only girl you're planning on kissing for a very long time."

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