Chapter 36- They Come Back

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Everyday for the next couple of weeks, I talked to Sodapop and Ponyboy after school. They always called at 6pm. Darry was pretty close to getting them back, but it seemed like they never would be here again.

One day, I woke up extra early and made pancakes. I guess I just wanted to make life seem as normal as possible without Ponyboy and Sodapop here, but deep down I knew it wouldn't change anything. They were still gone. Everybody had slept at the Curtis', so when I was done it was pretty easy to wake them all up for breakfast. We all sat at the kitchen table.

"What would you guys do without me?" I smiled at the gang, or what was left of it at least, as they ate their pancakes eagerly. Before I knew it, the whole platter was gone. I chuckled to myself and saw some of the guys looking over at Steve, who looked like he knew some big secret that would change everyone's lives.

"What's gotten into you?" Johnny asked, to which Two-Bit elbowed him. "Oh!" I looked at Johnny questioningly, an he just shrugged his shoulders like he didn't know anything.

"You guys are being weird." I got up from the table and walked into the bathroom to fix my hair. I knew they all knew something that I didn't, and the anticipation was killing me.

"Hey, Nic, there's a package for you at the door." Steve yelled, followed by Two-Bit's howling laughter.

I slowly came out of the bathroom, to find everyone grinning like psychopaths, including Dallas, so I knew it was serious. Darry seemed to be the only one not in on their little joke, since he looked at confused as I did.

"I'm not expecting anything."

"Just humor us then." I turned to Dal, and he just did that waving hand motion, telling me to go for it.

I raised my eyebrows and looked over my shoulder as I opened the door.

There was Sodapop and Ponyboy, themselves grinning like maniacs as well. I laughed and pulled them into the tightest bear hug I could manage. Darry stood behind us, and soon enough he pulled Ponyboy and Sodapop into a bear hug too. I had never seen someone so happy as Darry in that moment. He had his family back.

After they had said their hellos, Sodapop turned back to me. "You came back." I laughed and tugged at the flannel I still had on.

"I promised, didn't I?" He smiled his award winning smile and pulled me by my hips closer to him, kissing me like we were about to die.

Steve came over to where we both stood and pushed Sodapop on the back, somehow sending Sodapop closer to me. Sodapop laughed and shook Steve by his shoulders, and I finally saw his light come back to his eyes. We had a big dinner that night, with chicken and green beans and blue mashed potatoes. All of it got eaten though, which wasn't that much of a surprise.

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