Chapter 9-I Have My First Heartbreak

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School was as uneventful as school is stereotyped to be. No one that I knew were in any of my classes, or my lunch period, and I was never good making friends, no matter how much I tried. Being unsocial didn't phase me, because I knew when school was over I could see my friends.

They still hadn't decided what math class to put me in, so I had to do a placement test. Math never was a strong suit of mine, and I didn't want to be put in a lower class that grade level. I had asked Ponyboy to help me study, as Sodapop had told me he got moved up a grade, so who better to help me.

Eventually, after what felt like hours of studying, I couldn't sit still any longer and try to remember all of the trigonometry ratios. Pony was trying to make it fun, comparing them to movies and books I had read.

"I hate to interrupt but do you have a book I could read? I know I'll finish early and we both know I don't have the attention span to sit there with nothing to do."

Pony looked surprised, which was fair, considering I had cut him off mid-explanation. "Yeah, there's a few on my desk, just pick one."

"Thanks Pony." I smiled at him and got up from the table, thankful for the movement it was giving me to go up the stairs. The bedroom dooe was closed, but when I twisted the knob, it wasn't locked. I didn't think much of it, assuming someone had just instinctively closed it when they left the room.

Sodapop stood in the center of the room, clad in just his boxers. I didn't mean to look down, I swear. My face turned bright red, and I didn't keep my eyes open long enough to see his reaction. "Shit! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-I should've knocked."I quickly ran as fast as I could with my eyes closed to Pony's desk and grabbed the first book I could feel, hearing Soda's muffled laughter. He was trying to hold it in. "I'll just go." I turned away from him with the book in hand and ran down the stairs.

I collapsed in the chair and put my head on top of my textbook, cringing at myself. "What happened to you?" Ponyboy asked, half joking.

"I am the most awkward person in history, that's what happened."

"Hmm. To Kill a Mockingbird. That's a good one. You can keep this one, I have a bunch of other ones."

I looked up and saw him reading the synopsis on the back of the book. "Thanks Pony. Now I can have something to read while I go die in a hole." Ponyboy chuckled and put the book down, before turning his attention to the steps coming down the stairs. I quickly put my head down and covered it with my arm.

"I'm going to work Pony, so try not to burn the house down. Hey, Nic." I lifted my arm in a wave, and said a muffled hello. When he exited and the door closed, I lifted my head up and picked up the book myself.

"What was all that about?"

"Nothing." I shook my head, but Pony knew it was definitely something. He didn't press on, which I appreciated alot. "What are we having for dinner?"

"Um, Soda is supposed to make it after work."

"Tell him not to worry about it, I got it tonight." I grabbed my jacket from the coat rack, and laced up my sneakers. I hadn't had a chance to cook for the guys yet, and I didn't want to put more work on Soda than needed.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am. Now don't burn the house down." I laughed and left for the store, closing the door behind me.

They didn't have very many options at the store, but as soon as I spotted the canned green beans, I remembered one of my mom's recipes I spotted in a drawer a few times. I had helped her make it a few times as a kid, and as far as I could remember, it was really good. I grabbed what I needed, and even though I had to carry a few bags of groceries home, I didn't really care. I was beyond excited to cook for them.

Before I knew it, I was outside the house, but there was a new car I didn't recognize. It was really nice surprisingly, but I didn't think very much of it as I came in the door.

"Okay so, I know it's not chicken or steak, but I think I could make a great green bean casserole given the chance." They didn't smile, and everything went quiet. I gave them a questioning look, before I noticed Steve seemingly telling someone to stop or quit. "Jeez, why are you guys so quiet?" I chuckled nervously, before I turned in the direction Steve was motioning. Sodapop was standing there, white as a ghost. "Soda?"

He started to turn into the kitchen, but before he could make it, a girl with the curliest and thickest black hair I'd ever seen came into the room, a turkey baster in her hand. She was dressed nicely, definitely a soc. "Dinners ready!" Her eyes narrowed when she spotted me, and she gave me a once over, knowing damn well she was winning. "Oh," She gave an akward smile and grabbed Soda's arm. "Sorry hon, I already made dinner. Soda here practically begged me to after he tasted some of my lasagna." I already didn't like her.

"Soda?" I looked over at him, and his eyes refused to meet mine. "Okay." I nodded and held back the tears, before I dropped the groceries. The guys started to get up, but I was already out the door. The last thing I heard was Soda yelling my name, and then I was gone.

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