Chapter 16- Best. Day. Ever.

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When we walked in the door, the room was silent. Everyone was there, all doing something but then stopping when they saw the two of us together. No one, not even Darry, said anything. Dallas looked to me, but I just elbowed him. We both knew what we had to do.

"Listen man, I'm," He turned away from me and looked to Sodapop, "Sorry about your face." No one said anything for a moment. Apparently, Dallas Winston apologizing was not something that happened everyday. After about ten seconds, a smile spread across everyone's faces.

"It's fine man!" Everyone stood up and started horsing around and hollering with Dallas, and for the first time he had in a while, Dal actually looked happy. I procrastinated as long as possible, going to the bathroom about ten times while everyone talked to each other, but I knew I couldn't hold it off any longer.

I walked over to where Sodapop was sitting with Darry and Ponyboy. "Hey Soda, can I talk to you outside?" Ponyboy gave me that 'I know what your doing' as he stood up and followed me to the backyard.

"What is it?" Sodapop looked concerned as he put a hand on my shoulder. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

"God, no, just let me talk because the more I listen to your voice, the harder this gets." I nervously laughed and twiddled with my fingers, trying to do anything but get lost in his eyes. "I've never been good at talking, I'd much rather be thinking, or reading, hell, even sleeping would be nice. Did you know that you can't dream when you sno-"

"You're really cute when you ramble." I could feel my face turn red as he smiled at me and I did the very thing I knew would be the death of me: I got pulled in by his ocean blue eyes. Then I did something I thought I would never have the guts to do.

I grabbed his face and pulled it into mine, our lips crashing together. He didn't scream, or push me away, but instead he kissed me back with the same amount of passion. I knew it didn't last long, but it could have lasted a lifetime, it didn't matter. Sodapop was kissing me, I was kissing him, and in that moment, the world was a perfect place.

He pulled away, his smile still plastered on his face. "What was that for?"

"Like I said i've never been good at talking." I bit my lip, "I really like you Soda. And I would love it if we could be more than friends."

"Good, because I can't kiss my friends like this."

He kissed me again.

The rest of that day was kinda what you see in the movies. Me and Sodapop kept looking at each other when we thought no one was looking, and everytime I looked at Steve or Pony, they did that little half smirk thing.

For about a month, we did a pretty good job of keeping our relationship a secret. We both knew what would happen if Dallas found out; he was always protective to say the least. We only kissed when we were sure no one was around, and only held hands when it was dark or underneath tables.

One night we were having dinner and I had to go into the kitchen to grab the sauces for the chicken. I was about to head back into the dining room when Soda came in and pushed me against the wall, kissing me roughly.

"What are you doing?! Do you realize how complicated this could get?" I whispered as he pulled away. A small smirk tugged at his perfect lips.

"I don't care how complicated this gets. I just want you." I smiled and looked into his eyes again, and for a moment I was in total happiness.

"Okay, but go before he thinks something is up." We both laughed as he ran back out and sat down, me waiting exactly ten seconds before leaving myself.

"Hey Darry, I think I'm just gonna go to bed."  I winked slyly at Soda and he got the idea since had to take a sip of his drink before Darry could see his smile.

"Okay, good night Nic." Pony just nodded his head in disapproval, well aware of my plans.

I bounced up the stairs and instead of going to my room, I went into Sodapop and Pony's. I quickly changed into my pajamas and slipped into Soda's bed. I had to wait exactly 30 minutes before Soda came into the room himself, taking off his shirt and sliding in next to me. He pulled me closer to him, my back to his chest and his head in the crook of my neck.

"What about Pony?" He questioned, playing with my hair. He had done that before, and even though I would probably never tell him, I absolutely loved it.

"Shh don't worry about Pony. He won't say anything."

"What did you do?" He chuckled, his mesmerizing voice ringing through the air. I could never get tired of this. His arms are where I belonged.

"Nothing that you need to know." We both laughed as I fell asleep in his arms.

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