Chapter 30- I Don't Want To Hear It

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I was put on house arrest for a couple of days, but luckily I was able to convince Dallas to let me stay at Buck's. Everytime I looked at Sodapop, I was reminded of the fact that he chose Sandy instead of me.

A couple of days later, when I could finally move again, I sat in the corner booth at the Dingo, eating away all of my pain in fries and milkshakes. People were giving me weird looks, but no one questioned me. I must have been there for hours. I was reading the book that Pony gave me, To Kill a Mockingbird, when the bell on the door rang. I didn't think much of it until someone slid into the seat in front of me. I didn't look up from my book for a second, because I knew who it was. I hadn't talked to him since the night I was jumped.

I looked up and saw Sodapop sitting in front of me, a nervous look plastered on his face. I closed my book and started to put a 5 dollar bill on the table so I could leave, but he stopped me.

"Wait, Nicole. I have something I really want to say." He reached for my hand but I quickly pulled it away and crossed my arms. "I'm so, so sorry Nic. Me and Sandy have a lot-"

"You broke my heart," My voice broke and my eyes stung, "And all you can say is SORRY?" I slammed the bill on the table and grabbed my book. "You know what?" I stood up and turned towards Sodapop. "You and Sandy deserve each other. You're both two-timing dirtbags!" I ran out the door, leaving Sodapop by himself in the small diner to think.

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