Meeting the Thirteeth Doctor

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It was another rainy day in Kilmarnock, Scotland. I was walking down town when I heard this very familiar noise but I didn't think anything off it, there was a side path the direction of the sound I was curious but then thought it was just in my head.

Then I heard a voice so I decided to go check it out, not like me to be this curious. I started to walk down and I heard this woman yell In a Yorkshire accent?

"Why have you taken me so far we have to get back to the others they need my help", she yells.

I peek my head around the area and see her yelling at a police box, hold up they don't exist here. Not even the fake ones that sell stuff like in Glasgow.

She was wearing what looks like light grey trench coat with what looked like a rainbow trim in the inside what I saw when she put her hands in her cropped trousers pockets, they were culottes I think, her t-shirt I saw when she turned and signed against the blue box, her t-shirt had a rainbow across the chest area of it, she looked amazing not gonna lie and those yellow braces she also had blue socks with brown boots, the socks colour to match the trousers. Her clothes fitted her just perfect I kinda wanted what she was wearing it looked so intriguing but I wondered if it was comfortable?.

She stood back up from leaning on the blue box, I wanted to go say something but I just watched, then all I heard was "It's not polite to watch and listen to someone in distress you know", as she turns staring me straight in the eyes. I move my head back quicker than ever gasping then hitting it off the wall behind me, I yell "OUCH".

I rub the back of my head "How stupid how can I forget the wall", I groan to the pain in my head now.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and then her voice again, "Well that was something are you alright?", she asks.

"U-Uhh erm yes yes I erm yes sorry", I said stuttering my words.

She laughs at me and I just look at her confused her eyes look familiar but I have never met this woman in my life so why does it feel like I have? The thought was gone when she spoke again.

"What's your name?", she asks.

I blink at her and thought hmm but then my thoughts just rolled out my mouth, "What's your name first, concern you were talking to that box like a mad lady I shall not say first", I have no idea why I actually said that.

She looks at me with curiosity "I'm the Doctor, and that box is not just any old box that is the Tardis that is my Tardis", she says pointing round the corner of the wall, I didn't move her arm fell to the side of her. "Now your name?", she asks.

"Wait Doctor Who? And Tardis what?", I asked confused.

A big smile reveals across her face and her white teeth shows, "Tardis we will get to soon enough, and just the Doctor", she says with a hint of promise to speaking of the Tardis later I didn't quite understand why I could understand that.

"Umm okay, why just Doctor no one's name's that", as I said that I think clearly to myself why does Doctor, the Doctor sound very much familiar to me? But again I was pulled from my own thoughts.

"Just Doctor because that's my name now what is yours?!, I could see she was getting impatient.

I roll my eyes "Jamielee", I said.

"Jamielee what a new interesting name never heard that one before, it is exciting that hearing names you never knew or heard of before", she says with again her teeth showing from the wide smile.

"Alrighty well, I should get going", I say turning as my head thumps and blackness starts to fill around me.

I groaned softly lifting my arm to the back of my head feeling a coldness filling my warm hand, was there an ice pack on my head? Or a cold towel. I sit up fast realizing I'm not in the street no more speaking to a stranger.

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