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'What!' Serena shrieked 'he did that to you?' She asked in disbelief.

Caroline sniffed and nodded sadly ' I really don't know what to do Serena, I love him so much that it hurts,'

' I know that feeling Caroline so please stop killing yourself over that guy, because he does not deserve you nor does he deserve your heart'

' William also did the same to me and even worse, you know, he brings in women to the house, does so many nasty things I would rather forget on our marital bed and when he is done with his concubines, he orders me always to set the bath tub ready for them. But I still loved that son of a gorilla until the day he sent me out of the house and issued a divorce to me two days later, according to the idiot, I couldn't give him a child so he had nothing else to do with me,' Serena said, lost in her own world as she absent mindedly stroked Caroline's hair in a comforting gesture.

And then smiling happily down at Caroline's sad face she continued.

' But then I was already pregnant with my daughter, I tried to contact him but he wouldn't pick my calls and I was always denied entrance into any of his properties, I felt dejected but my family never left me, my brother could have killed him if not for Nikos my step father who is a Greek man, always sweet and ever so nice. He made William pay for everything, when he tried to take my child from me and that was after discovering that the girl was his. He tried to apologize but it was too late cos I already met Dimitri and we were married.' ' So my love I do still belive that you can have a child as long as you got no problem with your womb and fallopian tube,' Serena said hugging Caroline more to her side.

Caroline nodded vigorously, and looked up once again at her friend and boss. 'I love you so much Serena, you are the best, you know I would be drowning in despair if not for you now'

Serena whacked her hard on her head making her groan in pain

' What was that for?' Caroline asked rubbing her head,

' What is my offense?'

Caroline glared at her friend who also glared back at her giving her a knowing look.

' Oh yeah, yeah, I am sorry for thanking you after all what are we friends for?' Caroline said 'But you really don't have to go to that extent to show your disapproval' She continued as she stood up and took her hand bag and handed over the document that was yet to be delivered back to Serena.


Caroline sat down on the couch feeling tired, it had been three days now since that incident at Edwards office and he has refused to come home too.

She sighed but then a strange sound caught her attention.

She tip toed to the direction the sound basically moaning was coming from and discovered with dismay that it was actually from her bedroom, she opened the door silently and peeped in, what she saw made her head spin in shock, disbelief and every other negative things.

'Edward!!!' She exclaimed in shock, what are you doing?

Her eyes were bulging out of there sockets as she stared at her husband with a very pregnant lady on the same bed he took her virginity.

Edward stared at her as if there was nothing wrong in what he was doing, while the lady smirked at her.

Caroline backed out of the room in pain and betrayal, he could insult her, he could humiliate her, he could even cheat on her out side their home, but not like this, not on the bed her twin baby siblings saved so hard to buy for her as her wedding present.

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