no more pranks?

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I put Me in the media because like

Also, this story is NOT doing good in terms of votes or comments, but I'm putting a little bit more faith into it before I possibly delete it.

Ross's pov:

Three weeks later I was standibg outside in front of my cabin, just talking to my mom.

"Yes mom I'm still alive....No I'm not doing drugs! Okay.... bye" I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket just as a brunette haired girl approach me.

"Sup angel. How was your sleep?"

"First of all stop referring to me as 'Angel'. I have a name and that's not it. And second of all, why would you ask-" a look of shock took over her face as she looked at me "You didn't-"

"Oh but I did"

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU WE WERE FREAKING OUT ALL NIGHT!" she slapped my chest restessly and I laughed pulling her hands off me.

"Oh c'mon.. it was hilarious! You should've seen you guy's faces. I did not think you could get more pale- OW"

Okay well I think I deserved that last hit.

"Fuck you! We were so scared we though literal bears were standing outside of our cabin. Oh my god-" she stops herself from talking to take a deep breath and I can't help but chuckle.

We played a sick prank on the girls last night. Calum download this app that made animal noises on his phone, and let's just say we got the great idea to use that, a fake but enough realistic looking bear suit for a little jump scare at the window, and a few 'scratching sounds' in the back of the cabin to freak the girls out.

It fucking worked!

Laura had noticed the noises first, and after that it was all screams and sentences such us 'I am NOT going out there just to find the councilors and tell them about the bears when I know for sure I will be eaten!' by Laura and 'We're going to die! But I'm so young! I never got to do anything my life!'

That last one was from Maia.

We did this for like two hours, but with how much we scared them, they probably stayed awake all night and still could barely get out of the cabin this morning.

I think Laura's under eye bags speak for themselves.

"You are horrible Ross" she blew a breath avoiding my eyes.

And after all she said, why was I still hung on the way my name came out of her mouth?

"Thank you Miss Marano" I smile at her and she groans "How the hell do you take everything as a compliment?!"

"It's a gift" I chuckled "Plus you had that bear stuff coming with that pretty little bird prank of yours. You turned our cabin into a nest!" I protested.

"Oh yeah.. that was pretty hilarious" she laughed.

Before the bear prank was even thought of, the girls had taken upon themselves to spread bird seeds all around our cabin at night, so when we woke up... let's just say there was a lot of chirping and bird poop on our windows that took forever to clean.

"What are you doing here anyway? You gonna throw a bunch of curses  at me again and run off?" I chuckled.

That was what she seemed to be doing for the past three weeks anyway. We all had gone all out on the pranks, and we'd done so many everyday it's hard to count.

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