west side musical camp

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Look at them bfchbjfjhbbhjfhb aw my babies😍😍

Ross's pov:

"Rossssss" I feel someone shake me.

My face was stuffed in my pillow and with the realization that it was morning already, I had no desire to get out of my comfortable bed.

"Ross! Come on you're going to get us late!" Rydel groaned in my ear and proceeded to jump on my bed.

Nope. I'm not doing it.

"Five more minutes" I grumble out. My voice muffled by the pillow in front of my face.

I hear her sigh and groan and just when I thought she'd left and I could sleep in peace, I feel a pair of hands grab my legs, and a pair of other hands grab my hands. Next thing I know.. I was on air.

"What the fuck!" I groan looking at Riker and Rocky with my eyes widen, suddenly finding myself in the couch of the living room, where the assholes had threw me in like a patato sack.

"You should say thank you. Knowing you, you wouldn't wake 'til we'd already left and then complain about us not taking you to camp. This was your idea!" Riker sat on the couch beside me checking the tv and I sigh going my hands through my hair to try to semi-fix it.

"Shit! Camp's today!" my eyes widen and I'm off the couch and into my room to do my daily routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth, doing my bed (barely) and changing to my daily outfit.

Which today, consisted of a simple red shirt and a pair of ripped jeans plus my converse. I put on my two simple necklaces and about three rings. Two in one hand and one in another, and put those on while my mom took her time on fixing my hair.

Don't judge.

Me and my siblings have our breakfast and then after saying bye to our parents and picking up Ratiff we were on our way to camp. Riker driving, me in the passagers seat, as Rocky, Rydel, Ryland and Ell struggled to fit into the seat behind us.

The power of shotgun was real.

I put on my glasses and bop my head to the beat of the music along with Riker as I stare at the early morning sun.

I liked the early morning sun, I just didn't like waking up.

I would've went with friends, but my family was already going since we were all really into music, so I went with them. Rat was only in this car  because he was my sister's boyfriend and I'd met up with Noah and Calum later when we arrived.

The drive to camp took us about two long ass hours, and I was thanking god that I took shotgun for the passages seat, because Ry, Rydel, Ell and Rocky all looked hot and sweaty when we arrived.

Oh, and also pretty mad at me.

That's life suckers.

The builting looked big, and it was surrounded by what looked like student cabins that were all named with numbers.

A big sign stood at the front reading  'Welcome to WEST SIDE MUSICAL CAMP! Get the beat and feel the heat!'

I didn't see anyone randomly dancing to beat box by a bus, so no, it was no camp Rock, but it looked cool. When I looked it up it even said there was a lake somewhere in here, so I was definitely going to search for that place later.

"Alright, I'm liking this place" Rydel nodded standing by my side.

"It's cool" I replied.

Already my eyes caught a nice ass on a nice chick and that my friends, was the moment I realized coming here was a good idea.

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