Miss angel-face Marano

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Laura's pov:

"Okay Laur! You are a strong independent woman.You are powerful and you are beautiful. You can do this! I have faith in you.GET THAT DICK!"

What you heard there?

Yeah, that was Maia's speech when I finally decided I would make myself existent to Thomas's eyes.

She was touching up my make up and fixing my dress, prepping me like I was about to step into a red carpet and everything had to be perfect.

And while doing all that, she was talking with her hands and almost screaming her sentences.

I was starting to think she was more nervous about this than me.

And while I was being tornemantet Rydel and Raini were laid on my bed both laughing hysterically while Maia kept sending them glares.

I would laugh too if I wasn't so scared.

"Okay ready? I need you to look at me in the eyes and repeat I AM GETTING THAT DICK!"

"Yeahh.. I'm not saying that" I shook my head walking towards the door.

"Oh c'mon Laur! It brings luck" she gave me a smile.

"It does not" I snorted "And I'm not looking to get him into bed on our first announcer. I'm just hoping I seem cool enough to make him interested." I huff out and bite my lip trying to ease my nerves.

I'd had a crush on Thomas since the first day I laid my eyes on him. I didn't know what was about him that made me so attracted, but I was, even though the girls found it weird considering that yes, he wasn't the hottest dude in our school, but then again, he didn't have to be that for me to have crush on him

But I liked him. I liked seeing him holding a guitar and when he played football I'd make sure not to miss out any of his games, even though I didn't get what was happening in the field like, most of the time.

And I was used to staring. I could just look at him from my sweet little bubble and be happy, but I couldn't do that forever for reasons that 1) it would be classified as creepy 2) I liked him too much to stay here staring. I wanted more.

It took me a while to get to this moment. When I decided I was ready to show myself in front of my long time crush, and hopefully get a spark out of it.

So let's rewind a bit.

We left it at that instrumental class didn't we?

Well that class was great. After that though, we had dancing.

Yup, dancing.

And that required for me and Raini to change, since we were the only ones that choose a not-so-athletic outfit in the morning.

And we only had a few minutes to get to our messy cabins and fly clothes back and forth trying to find sports wear.

I ended up wearing another sports bra, this one black with matching black sweats that weren't too long. I grabbed my hair in a pony leaving some hairs out, and wore a pair of white running shoes. After that I decided on a sweatshirt as well, that I would take off later in class if I got way too hot.

Raini decided to wear a pair of leggings, and another floral shirt, with some running shoes that were definitely almost identical to mine.

So after we got ready we filled two bottles of water and run to the dancing studio, and to our surprise arrived before the teacher and right on time. All the students were here already and the dancing studio was filled with water bottles and other belongings of people.

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