Chapter 12

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"Did you do what I'd ask you to do?" Harry asked Niall as they're on their way to the castle. Niall nodded "I left the note on his desk as you told me to" Niall said. Harry can't believe this. It's like he was dreaming and he needs to wake up. The car halted as the wide golden gates opened "Welcome Home, Prince Harry" Niall said as Harry wanted to get out of the car.

The car moved as it entered the castle.

As the car reached the front door of the castle, Harry was shock seeing his parents waiting for him. His mom was excited, his dad, he looked disappointed and Harry doesn't know what his dad is thinking. Harry sighed, he's back to prison again. One of the securities opened the car as Harry stepped out.

His Mom immediately went to him and hugged his son "My boy! My baby boy!" His Mom cried. Harry smiled a little, how he missed his Mom's embrace "Hi Mom" Harry whispered as His Mom let go. Then, his father approached him and gave him a side hug "Welcome home, Son" the King said "Now you got a lot some explaining to do young man" The Queen said as she grabbed Harry's backpack and gave it to the servants. She then clung her arm on Harry's "Lets go, you need some food" The Queen then led Harry inside the castle.

They've settled on the dining area as Harry doesn't have the appetite to eat. He just got his heart broken "Why did you ran away?" The Queen asked as Harry shrugged "Answer Harry, don't disrespect your Mother" the King said as The Queen held her husband's hand "Let me handle this" The Queen told her husband.

The Queen sweetly smiled "Harry dear, we all know that you're not allowed to go out the castle walls. Why did you disobey us?" The Queen sweetly asked as Harry looked at his Mom. Harry can't resist those charming green eyes of his Mom "I'm sorry Mother, Father. I wanted to see the city and know what the people are like outside these walls. I needed to know what's life is like outside these walls since I'm gonna be a king one day" Harry explained "You will have the right time to know what's life is like outside Harry. Right now, you have to act like a King first inside this castle" the King said as Harry groaned "Being a King?!" Harry stood and that gave a shock to the King and Queen "I feel like I'm not a prince when I'm inside these walls! I feel like I'm a prisoner. That's why I escaped. Out of here. It's too much! I want to be free! Free to make my own decision, free to go wherever and whenever I want! Free to do anything without you, dictating what I should do" Harry angrily said "I want to be myself and I got to do that when I was outside" Harry added as the Queen wanted to cry.

Where did she go wrong as a parent?

The King stood and pointed a hand at Harry "Go to your room and stay there! I'll double your guards and make sure you won't escape" The King sternly said as the guards started to grabbed Harry by his arms and take him away in front of the King and Queen.


Zayn was happily preparing to meet Harry when Louis went inside their room "Hey man" Louis greeted a little down "What's up?" Zayn asked as Louis heavily sighed "So, uh—have you read it?" Louis asked as Zayn gave him a confused look "Read what?" Zayn asked. Louis didn't know what to do.

Niall told him last night that Harry is the prince.

Son of The King And Queen Styles. Louis didn't believed at first but when Niall showed him a photo of Harry that he's inside the castle, Louis jaw dropped. And he remembered Zayn, what happens to his friend now? Louis is so worried.

He then saw the canvas "You've finished it?" Louis asked as Zayn smiled and he nodded "And I can't wait to show to Harry" Zayn said with excitement as Louis looked at him with concerned face. Zayn was fixing his paintbrushes and colored paints when a paper caught his eyes on his desk. He didn't saw this earlier. It has a cursive writing of his name. Zayn picked up the paper and read it.

"My lovely Zayn, I'm sorry. That's all I could say right now. I'm sorry I didn't told you who I really am. I'm sorry I lied about where I come from. I'm sorry for wasting your time with me. The only thing that I'm not sorry about is meeting you and falling inlove with you. Yes, for the short span of time of meeting you, I have fallen inlove with you. You're so gentle and caring to me. You respect me so much that my heart gave in. I didn't expect that I'll find love outside the castle walls. I didn't expect that I'll fall inlove with you Zayn. And with Love comes with Honesty, and I'll be honest, I'm Harry Styles, Prince of England. Please don't try to find me. I've hurt you enough" Zayn's eyes waters, he looked at Louis who's staring at him with a sad expression

"This is just a prank right? Right Louis?" Zayn asked as Louis shook his head.

Zayn groaned as he crumpled the paper and grabbed his coat "Where are you going?" Louis asked "To go see Harry!" Zayn responded as he exited the dorm.

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