Chapter 2

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Harry planned his escape. Yes, he will escape, get the hell out of the castle to explore the city. He already plotted on how he'll escape. He'd been planning this for weeks and he's praying its going to work!

First, he'll exit through the window as he will swiftly ran towards the back fence. For sure, there only be a number of guards there since most of the guards are in the main gate. After that, he'll climbed to the back fence and hopefully, will be out of the castle. That's a good plan. Its solid and concrete.

Harry wore his black hoodie, grabbed his wallet and and made sure he has enough cash, he put his t shirts and other needed things on his backpack. He pulled his hoodie up as he composed himself then looks at his time and waiting for it to strike 1AM and its going to be minutes now. Harry really hope this will work.

When the time reached 1AM, Harry climbed down through his window using linen cloth from his bed as the rope. It was a real challenged since he's not that athletic but he managed to come down his window.

When he reached the ground, his heart felt this happiness. He finally made it out his room! He grabbed his face mask from his bag and put it on so that no one will recognize him when he's outside. But who is he kidding? No one will recognize him since his Father made sure that no paparazzi or anyone will see Harry's face. But still, its better to be sure.

Harry checked his surroundings, looking at his left, and right and seeing that the coast is clear, he ducked down and ran towards the forest area of the castle. When he reached the forestry area, he straightened himself and composed himself again before he started running. Harry didn't know how many kilometers he'd run because the forest seems endless and didn't see the walls yet. Harry kept on running and running until he can see a small light and its intact to the castle walls.

Harry gave a smile as that light is an indication that he made it! Harry then searched for a wall that he can climb since the walls are high but they're uneven. When he sees a wall that he can reach, he smiled and started to climb it. When he did, he climbed up and down at the other side of the wall and when his feet touched the ground, Harry cheered! He's already out! HE CAN'T BELIEVE IT! HE ACTUALLY MADE IT OUT!

After the success, Harry roamed the city and as he saw on the internet, the city is beautiful. Especially at night. Harry went inside the shops and looked at the beautiful products. He also tried eating at the food trucks, since he wanted to try them. All the things he saw the city are just like in the internet.

It's amazing and the people were nice. Well, not all but most of them are. Harry looked for an Inn to stay in and he saw a beautiful and cozy Inn near a bar. Harry was assisted by Liam, also the owner of the Inn. He's accommodating and thought Harry was a traveler. He's been staying on the Inn for three days now and he's enjoying his stay.

Harry was busy touring the city. He went to museums, visited the mall and checked out every arcade he could find. He just went back from the mall when Harry saw the bar that's just near the Inn that he was staying. Harry thought, of all the places he'd been to, he'd never checked out the bar. Why not give it a try? Harry shrugged as he went inside the Bar—The Old Gary's Bar.

Harry pushed the door inside and when he did, he heard a bell sounded. Harry looked up and saw a bell that's dangling above the door "Welcome to Old Gary's!" Harry looked ahead and saw an old man smiling widely at him. Harry was thankful that his father didn't release his photos, he can freely roam the city without getting mobbed. Harry returned a smile at the old man "Grab yourself a seat" he said as Harry shifted his eyes to the area and as he sees the customers, most of them are old people? Huh, this is bar but its filled with old people.

Harry took his seat near the window and watched the outside and when he sees the inn, he smiled. Harry will surely love it here. He loves he can explore the world than being locked in the castle "Good evening boy, what do you want?" Harry turned his head and saw the old man offering the menu. Harry grabbed the menu and examined it "I guess, I'll take fish and chips and red wine" Harry answered as the old man smiled and nodded his head. The man then left Harry with the menu.

Gary went back to the bar area "Zayn, list down fish and chips and red wine" Gary said as Zayn gave him a salute and went to the cash registry. Gary went to the kitchen to prepare Harry's order. Few minutes later, Gary ring the bell from the small window that divides the kitchen and the bar. Zayn went to the small window and grab the orders "Who are these for?" Zayn asked "The curly near the window" Gary answered as Zayn said his thanks and arrange the food on the tray.

Zayn grab the wine glass that Zayn already poured red wine in it and balance them on his hands. When he went out of the bar area, he looked for the said Curly and he instantly spots him since he's the only customer there. When Zayn started to approach him, Zayn's eyes examines the man and its unusual to see a young man, more like Zayn's age inside the bar.

Zayn then stopped when he's near the table "Good evening Sir, here's your order" Zayn put down the food on the table and the red wine "En..." Zayn stopped his tracks when he saw the young man's head turned to look at him and seeing his green eyes, Zayn instantly captivated by them "" Zayn softly said as the man smiled and when his green eyes met Zayn's hazel eyes, his breathing hitches.

Harry has never seen someone who has long lashes like this man. He also has beautiful hazel eyes and gosh his face is like a model "Thanks" Harry answered, his voice almost a whisper. They both were caught in the moment but Zayn was the one who broke off their trance "Um...just call if you need assistance or want to order something else" Zayn said as Harry nodded his head.

Zayn immediately left and when he's back at his station, he can't help but to smile. He's been working at the bar for years but this is the first time he'd seen someone so enchanting.

He'd never thought he'll meet someone so beautiful.

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