Chapter 1

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Zayn Malik runs. That's because he's already late for his class and its the start of his sophomore year.

He got hold on his job because some emo kids are looking for some dark music. Zayn tried explaining that there's no such thing as 'Dark music' genre. In the end, the emo kids nagged Zayn and ordered him to look for it and an hour after, he's running because he's so late.

"Shit!" Zayn cursed as he's now 30 minutes late and he picked up his phase as he ran fast. When he reached the classroom, he gasped for air. He took a deep breath as he composed himself before opening the door. He went inside as their professor caught him "Well, good morning Mr. Malik" their professor called his last name as Zayn looked at his professor "I'm sorry I'm late Sir" Zayn said as the professor stared at him before sighing "Don't be late next time" he said as Zayn thanked him and went on his sit.

After an hour later "And that's all for today, I'll see you next meeting" Zayn put all his materials on his bag and when he was about to get out of the room "Mr Malik, please don't be late next time okay? You're a senior, you need to have at least a perfect attendance in order to graduate" the professor said as Zayn nodded "It won't happen, again, I'm sorry" Zayn gave an apologetic look as his professor nodded "Very well...have a nice day" he said as Zayn turned around and exited the room.

Zayn went back to his dorm room and when he opened the door, he immediately closes it "God! Louis! Could you put a sock or something on the door knob when you're bringing girls with you?!" Zayn hisses as he caught his roommate, Louis having sex.

After a few minutes, the door opened and revealed Louis with a messy hair and using only a blanket to cover his dick. He didn't even fully open the door because he has some chick with him "Sorry, I just got excited and forgot about the socks rule" Louis said as Zayn glared at him "I'm going to the Bar" Zayn said as Louis stopped him "Wait man, Aren't you gonna finish your painting?" Louis asked as Zayn shook his head "I can't finish it now, you're there having you think I'll be able to finish it?!" Zayn answered as Louis snorted "Okay, okay! Just be back by 10" Louis replied as Zayn scoffed "What are you, my Mom? I can't, I have work" Zayn answered as Louis 'ahed' "Oh yeah. Almost forgot...well, take care" Louis wave a hand as Zayn wave back before walking away.

Zayn was now at the bar, working. Zayn works as the bartender, waiter, the chef and sometimes, he's the one that cleans. Zayn's the only youngster at the bar that's because he's the only employee there plus Gary, the owner. Yep, the old Gary's bar. It's not a well known bar but pays good money from customers. Gary is like a grandpa to Zayn and most of its customers are old people too.

Most of the old people comes to the bar to burst out feelings of being old and fragile and most are regular customers so Zayn knows every single one of them "Good evening Zaynie" an old lady, at the age of 60's greeted Zayn "Hey Olivia, what's up?" Zayn asked as the lady sat and sighed "Same old, same old. Still, give me some ice tea" the lady said "No scotch on the rocks today?" Zayn grinned as the lady pouted "My doctor said to stop with alcohol for a while. It kills neurons" Olivia answered rolling her eyes as Zayn fetch her Ice tea "Here you go Olivia, one ice tea" Olivia thanked Zayn as Zayn returned wiping the table.

"Good evening Olivia! As usual, our first customer" Gary gave a smile, a smile that reached til his wrinkly eyes "I need to get out Gary...this is the only time I can have my alone time" Olivia chuckled as Gary just smiled and went to the bar and turn on the TV.

"And tonight, we have a flash report: King Styles son, Harry Styles just gone missing—" Olivia gasped as Zayn stopped wiping the table and listen to the news "He'd been missing for three days now and the king wants to alert all the citizens that if you see a curly haired, green eyed boy with the age of 20, please report to this said address that's flashed on your screen. The King won't give out any photos of his son. To those who'll turn over his son, you'll be given a reward"

The news said as Olivia sighed "Why can't the king hire a private investigator? We don't know what his son looked like. He never even showed us his son the moment the boy was born" She said as Gary agreed

"The King is desperate to find his son, that's why. Why don't we find ourselves a curly haired and green eyed boy and bring him to the said address? Maybe they'll give us reward. A for effort for helping out" Gary said as Olivia laughed. Zayn also gave a small chuckle and continued on wiping the table.

The King's son is missing huh, that's news but Zayn doesn't care since all he cares about is to earn money and finish college.

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