Chapter 3

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Tasting the food he ordered, Harry's eyes sparkled once he took a bite at the chips. He can't help but to feel giddy tasting this bar food. When he finished his food and his red wine, he stood and slowly walked towards the counter.

Once he's there, Harry saw the beautiful man at the registry. Harry doesn't know how to approach him. Should he say 'Hey?' Or just clear his throat? With all the thinking, Harry went with clearing his throat and once he did, the hazel eyed beauty looks at his direction "Hi" Zayn said as Harry gave a small smile "How much do I pay?" Harry asked as he saw the man clicking from the registry and then face him again "that would be £10.50" Harry grab his wallet and put down the cash on the table

"Keep the change" Harry said as he gave Zayn one last long before exiting the bar. Zayn's lips instantly formed into a smile as he reached for the money "Do you know that curly?" Zayn's body jumped hearing Gary "Gary, come on! Don't sneak up to me like that!" Zayn said as he work on the registry as Gary chuckled "And I don't know him...but he's a new customer. We never get youngster here"

"Perhaps he's from your school?"

"I don't have lots of friends and I don't usually join the crowd so I don't really know him" Zayn answered "You should make friends. Its sad if you have only few"

"Don't worry Gary, I have Louis...and friends isn't my priority at the moment" Zayn replied as Gary didn't answered back but left Zayn to his work.

After Zayn's shift at the bar, he headed back to his dorm and when he reached the door, he leaned his ears to it, listening if Louis is still with the chick that he banged earlier. And so far, Zayn can't hear anything or even just a snore.

Zayn took it as a good sign and he slowly opened the door and when he inside, the room is empty. No Louis in sight. Zayn went to his desk and saw a note "Gone to a party — L" Zayn sighed as he put his bag on the side of his desk and went on his unfinished painting. He stared at it before seating on the barstool.

He'll be giving the painting to one of the biggest art company in England for internship. This painting will be his ticket to his future after college. He stopped painting because something's not right...the feeling is there but the emotion? Zayn is feeling the need to finish the painting but his emotions says otherwise.

The painting has been standing in the corner of his room almost 3 days and he can't seem to finish it. After staring at it, Zayn gave up as he stood and went towards his bed and lied down. Maybe he needs to sleep it off and probably will have an idea when he wakes up. He hope so.


The castle was pack with the King's people. All of his advisors, helpers and guards are in the event hall as the King set-up an office for the search of his son. Harry has been missing for three days now and the King is getting more worried.

"I want you to call Niall..." The King ordered one of his guards to call Niall, Harry's butler. The guard bowed down to the King before going and when he returned, Niall's already on his side "Your highness" Niall said as he bowed down as the King wave a hand at him, indicating for him to stand "You're always with my Son, didn't he mentioned anything?" The King said as Niall shake his head "I'm sorry Sire, he didn't told me anything"

"Why would he tell someone if he's running away?" Both Niall and the King turned around as they heard Anne, the Queen. The guards and the other people started to bow down and then went back to their usual works. Anne settled her self beside the King "Harry would never tell us if he has run away...I told you to let him roam the city! Look what happened now!"

"I'm sorry love, I just don't want our son to get mobbed by people. Its unsafe if we let his face be publicized"

"And I told you a thousand times to give a disguise. The people won't know he's the King's son!" Anne answered back as the King sighed "Okay, partially Harry running away is my fault"

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