Chapter 4

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After Zayn's shift from the CD shop, he went to class, Portrait 400. This was Zayn's favorite because he loves doing portraits than landscapes.

Now their professor told them to draw someone. Draw someone who inspires you, who gives meaning to your life or just someone you could think of. Zayn's having a hard time thinking who to draw since at the moment, he was blacked out. Zayn sighed as he think hard of who to draw. Could it be Louis? He's the only person who he cares at the moment since he is his best friend...but Zayn wasn't feeling of drawing him. Zayn stared at the plain paper as he sighed again. He grabbed his pencil and put the tip of the pencil on the paper and just moves his hand.

Zayn then smiled when he finally has someone in his mind. He took his time drawing and when the bell rang, Zayn put down the pencil and look at his work "Wow Zayn, that's...beautiful" their professor said on his side as Zayn can't help but grin "Who is that?" She asked "Someone...I know" Zayn simply answered "Well, good job for today...and with that kind of art, you're going to make it as far as you could" she smiled as Zayn smiled back.

After their conversation, Zayn rip of the paper and stared at it. He can't believe he drew Harry, the beautiful curly haired man he'd met days ago. Its like Harry's face is engraved in his mind. He perfectly drew his eyes, his nose and even got his dimples right. Zayn's feeling all giddy all of the sudden. This Harry is giving him new feels and somehow, Zayn likes it.

After his class, Zayn went back to the dorm and when he got there, he stopped opening the door. What if Louis' there with some chick again? Zayn leaned his ear on the door and when he did, he didn't heard anything. Huh, okay, he must be out? He opened the door, twisting the handle and it was locked. So Louis is out. Zayn grab his keys and opened the door and when it did, he went inside and pocketed his keys again.

Zayn put down his backpack on the floor and plopped on his bed. He closed his eyes, resting it for a bit and when all he sees is darkness, suddenly, a beautiful face appeared and he was smiling at Zayn. Zayn's eyes instantly opens seeing the green eyed beauty. His body shot up as he sat on his bed "Oh man, that boy got you bad huh?" Zayn said to himself as he sighed. Zayn stood and went to his small shelf and look for a book "Need to read. To get my mind off things" and when he say things, he meant Harry. He grab his book and exited his dorm.

He went to the park just across the university. Zayn started to look for an empty bench and sees one near the football field. He took his seat and opened the book he brought. Chapter by chapter later, Zayn's ear caught a sound, a giggling sound "You're a good boy right? Yes you are!" Zayn heard as he started to look around and his eyes caught a beautiful boy who's petting a dog. Zayn's heart flutters seeing Harry, in the sunlight, petting the dog and his smile, his smile made Zayn's inside melt. Harry then lets go of the dog and didn't take his eyes off the dog until it reached its owner.

As Harry stood, Zayn immediately look at his book and pretended he didn't see Harry who is now coming his way.

Harry was all smile when he lets go of the dog. His Father didn't allow him to have pets since he said its going to trigger his allergies but as Harry pets the dogs, he didn't feel any tingling feeling...he only felt happiness.

Once the dog is already with its owner, Harry stood and looked around the park and his eyes caught the beautiful man from the bar. Harry's heart instantly thumps seeing him reading a book. He's so beautiful.

Harry walked towards him and stopped when he's inches away from the edge of the bench "Hi" Harry said as the man looked up to him "Uh hi?" He said back "Your name's Zayn, right?" Zayn nodded as Harry gave his biggest smile "Is it okay to seat beside you? Zayn?" Harry asked as Zayn slowly nodded his head. Harry sat near the edge of the bench and looks at Zayn and gosh he really has beautiful lashes "Your name's Harry, right? And last name, Horan?" Zayn asked as Harry grinned "Yep, that's me" Harry answered "Okay cool" Zayn said as he continued to read his book.

Silence invaded both of them. Zayn doesn't know how to start making a conversation and Harry's also thinking what to say next. Its okay to make friends, right?

Harry cleared his throat "So, what book are you reading?" Harry asked as Zayn showed him the cover "Ah Paulo Coelho...I like him too. He's just filled with wonders and mystery" Harry said "I like the alchemist" he added as he started out telling Zayn about the book and Zayn, he didn't find him irritating or annoying at all. When Harry started telling about the book, his entire body was attentive to Harry.

As Harry was talking, he can't stop staring at him, looking at his excite expression, the way his hands moves, and the way his eyes sparkles. Zayn never met anyone who's so enthusiastic as Harry. Most people Zayn knows or people like his age, they always complain about school, or work or how tiring life is but Harry, he's so chirpy and just full of life

"Wow, you are...amazing" Zayn dreamily said as Harry stopped talking and stared at him. Zayn blinked and instantly averted his gaze away from him 'what the fuck?!' His mind screams "I mean...the book, yeah it was amazing" Zayn said as Harry smiled again "He's indeed an awesome writer" he answered

As Harry is talking, Zayn just stared at him, looking at his excite face, the way his lips moves and the way Harry's eyes sparkle talking about the book.

"So, how long have you been working at the bar?" Harry asked as Zayn closed the book and shifted his position to look at him "Well, since I was 18"

"Wow, that long! Is the old man your grandpa? Or dad?"

"He's my boss...but I love to think he's my grandpa. He helped me all throughout college. The money I got from the bar helps me pay off tuition" Zayn said as Harry's eyes lit up "Oh school! Where are you studying?"

"See that? That's where I study" Zayn pointed the university just across the park as Harry followed his hand and wowed "Wow, I wonder how it feels like to go and study there" he said as Zayn's eyebrow raised "You don't study?"

"No I do. I'm homeschooled" once Harry said this, Zayn tilted his head to the side "Oh why? Do you have some um...conditions? Like, medical or whatever?"

Harry chuckled "No. My Parents just want to me stay inside the ca—" Harry stopped as he was about to say castle. He looks at Zayn with horror as Zayn was confused "I mean, they want me to stay inside our house...that's why they homeschooled me"

"Aren't you like bored? You stay at home to study and not meet people?" Zayn asked "I'm always bored actually but not now, I'm here and exploring the city!" Harry answered with a big smile and Zayn can see that he's enjoying this.

"So, what do you take up?" Harry asked "Fine arts and I'm on my last semester" Zayn answered with pride "Oh cool! Is it okay to see your work sometime?" Harry said as Zayn's heart thumps. All his college life, no one ever wants to see his works since most of the students have their own work to brag about but Harry asking to see his works, Zayn's heart just palpitated "Uh yeah...sure, I guess" he answered softly.

"Yey! Then its a date!" Zayn's eyes widened from Harry's response "I mean—" Harry cheeks blushed "We will set a date to see your works...that's that's what I meant" Harry added his voice small as Zayn gave a smile.

And from that moment on, Zayn knows that Harry makes his heart flutters.

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