Chapter 6

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>> Edward >>

---------- Chapter 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Henry? Wake up, Hen!"

I peek up at mum, and then just turn the other side. Her cool hands grab onto my shoulders and pull me up. I stare daggers at her, my eyes feel swollen, and my body aches like hell! I sit up, cross my legs and raise my eyebrows.

"The wolves are downstairs. I assumed you would want to be there when Carlisle talks to them?"

The wolves? Damn! So it wasn't a dream?! I jump off the bed and get dressed, vampire speed. Just as I'm about to run out of my room and to Carlisle's office, I notice mum still sitting on my bed.

"Is something wrong, mum?"

"Not exactly wrong, Hen. But it seems like the wolves are planning on making things messy," she whispers under her breath.

I feel my stomach clench. Make things messy? Wait! Carlisle's done this before! He made a pact with the Quillette's didn't he? Why was this pack so different?

Mum gets off the bed and presses a hand against my cheek. I close my eyes to fully concentrate on what she was showing me. She replayed the scene from the clearing earlier today, but it was from her perspective. Everything was coloured by fear and apprehension. Her eyes were locked on dad and I. But while dad and I had focused on the Alpha, mum had seen other things.

I had thought there were six wolves. I was wrong. And that's why mum is worried. I see the trees along the edges of the clearing rustle. I smell's sweet, everything sweet. Mum smells a vampire! In the clearing?! But not one of us! How could I not have smelt that?!

I jerk away from mum. My eyes hold questions, and hers holds fear.

I give her a tight hug. Mum doesn't even reach my shoulder, but that doesn't stop her from clinging on to me. "Everything will be okay, has to."

She looks up at me and smiles half-heartedly, "Hen, the fear you feel, is nothing compared to what I feel. I would die if anything happened to mum,!"

"Mum! I would die if anything happened to anyone! Anyone of us! I'm just as worried as you!"

"Go," mum whispers and I dash out of the room to Carlisle's study. I don't bother knocking, I just run in. My family doesn't even look up at me. The wolves stare, curious looks on their faces.

"Have a seat, Henry," Carlisle says, with a serene look on his face. He's the picture of hospitability. But I know him better than that. I see hollowness in his eyes. He's worried. This is bad.

In two long strides, I cross the room and sit on the floor, by dad's legs. Dad lays a hand on my shoulder for a fraction of a second.

"Kain, this is Henry. You've already met him," Carlisle says, pointing me out. I give a curt nod which isn't returned by any of the wolves.

"Carlisle, where are the rest?" I ask in surprise. Only Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Jasper and dad are in the room. Where is everyone else?!

"Kain insisted that only the men be present," Carlisle mutters, distaste evident in his tone. No...Kain has nothing against women. He wants the numbers even! A low snarl escapes my lips. Dad's hand on my shoulder tightens. They know the score.

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