Okay... Now I'm really making my first portal...

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"Dad! Heads up!"
My warning barely reached my dad before a baseball went flying through the glass window with a crash.
Sliver swallowed and looked at me, dropping the bat.

"... Retreat!!!"

Me, Sliver and Caiden all ran away from the house when Michael came storming out.
"Cameron VEY!!!!!"

"Go go go go!!!"
We ran faster from my angry father, who's hands were sparking.
Yeah, it was pretty scary.
I'm sure he didn't mean to, but he does it sometimes when he's upset.

We all scrambled up an oak tree, seeing Michael charging over.
"Cameron! Get down here, Now!"
I peeked down at him, but didn't make any move to climb down to him.
"Vey! Now!"
I gave a small salute to my friends before climbing down, ready to take full blame for what happened.
When I got down, I slowly dragged my feet over to Michael, chuckling nervously.
"... Sorry?"

Yeah, I was grounded for two weeks from baseball.

Back to Percy!!! Yay! 🌊

I stared out the car window, wondering what my half brother was like.
It's not like he's the only one, but it's still a bit stressful.

I spun Riptide around in my hand, kicking my feet as Annabeth drove.
Leo (Yeah, he's back 😒) was singing to Disney songs.
"Under the sea!!! Under the sea!!!" 😆🎶
I groaned, covering my ears and sighing.
Next, it was "I wanna be! The very best! That no one ever was!!!"
"To catch them, is my real test! To train them is my cause!!!!"
Pokemon isn't Disney, but he still sang it for an awful long time.
"And no one knooooooows, how deep it goooooooes!"
"And it seems like it's calling out to me so come find meeeeee!"
Then "One jump! Ahead of the lawman! That's all and that's no joke! These guys, don't appreciate I'm broke!"

Yeah, it was dreadful.

The trip to his house took days, but we finally got there.
I got out and walked to the door of the old house before knocking.

Back to Cameron!!!

Me and Caiden walked back to his house, talking about the baseball incident.
Sure, it was an accident, but Michael wasn't happy.
Sliver stayed home to help clean up the glass while I walked Caiden home.

We were both surprised to see some car parked on the side of the road.
"Who's that?"
"I-I don't know."

"... Well... Let's go find out."

We both walked to the door, seeing some guy knocking.
"Dude, who are you and why are you knocking on my best friends door?"I glared, Caiden hiding behind me.
The guy looked at us, smiling a bit.

"Sorry, I was just looking for Caiden Smith."

"... Uh... That's me?" Caiden said quietly.

The man just chuckled and put out his hand.
"Percy Jackson."

Michael Vey (Hatch's son)Where stories live. Discover now