Chapter 14

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I laid on my new bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Quentin had pretty much just said that I belonged to him and all this other not-so-fun stuff.

The conversation went really bad when I figured out something.
Why don't I just tell you what happened?

Quentin had me sit on the sofa as he began talking to me about how my father was extremely clever and whatnot, making me a valuable member to their team.
"You act like you knew I was coming."
Then it clicked.
Tara had been the one to pick me up from school, not Taylor.
They wanted me to join them and defeat Michael.
When I called them out on it, things got more heated until Quentin yelled at me, saying that I was his now and I would never see Michael or Taylor again before throwing me back into my room and locking me inside.

Now, I'm alone and kinda scared.
My heart feels broken and alone.
I wanted to cry, but knew that wouldn't help.
Hopefully Michael and Taylor will find me and save me.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw something move in the tank, making me sit up and rub away any tears I had.
I gasped, seeing a mer-boy staring at me.
He had black hair and a red tail, along with deep blue eyes.
He looked nervous, but was curious enough to watch me as I stood.

"H-hey, I'm Cameron."
The boy blinked, putting his forehead against the glass.
"Yeah, I'm Cameron Hatch."

"I-I'm Tide."

"Nice to meet you Tide... Are you trapped here too?"
Tide nodded, hovering above the sandy bottom of his cage.
"I got lost from my pod when these people caught me and stuck me in here."

I sighed and sat down on a chair.
"Same with me... They tricked me and brought me here from my adoptive parents."

I explained the whole story about my father and Michael, passing time while I waited for someone to save me.
In the middle of my conversation, the door opened, with three Eglen guards storming in and grabbing me as I screamed.
"No! Let go of me! Stop!"

Tide hid behind some seaweed, watching as I was dragged out by the guards.
My feet dragged across the floor as I was pulled.
"Help! Michael! Dad! Someone help me!"

I kicked and screamed until I was pulled into a room with white walls and tiled floors.
Quentin smiled at me as I entered, standing by some weird machines.
"Okay then, take off your clothes so we can do some tests."
Then guards let me go, letting me fall on the ground and stand back up.

"I-I'm not doing any tests!"
Quentin sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"We can make this easy, or hard."
"Just do as I tell you or else."
I thought for a moment, wondering what I should do.
It didn't take me long to make up my mind and walk over to him.

"Good, now take off your clothes so we can start."

But instead, I spit on him and crossed my arms, only increasing his rage.
"Guards! Hold him still."

The guards held him still, only for him to kick Quentin in the stomach.
"Let me go!"
I kicked and screamed, only making Quentin blow his top.

I had been slapped once or twice by my mom, but when he slapped me, my whole face felt swollen.
He slapped me across the face, causing my head to snap to the side.
I grimaced and looked back at him, only to get slapped again.
"Guards, take his brat to cell 25! Take his clothes and leave him in there for... A year."

My heart skipped a beat, my throat tightened up, only increasing my fear.
"N-no! I-I'll listen now!"

Quentin slapped me again, making me give a small screech, tears falling down my face from pain and fear.
He grabbed my face and looked at me hatefully, no long cooing to me or feeding me spoon-fulls of soup.

"I'm sure you will listen, specially after a year in that cell."

He grinned darkly "See you in a year."
I whimpered as the guards pulled me out, leading me to my new room.

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