Chapter 17

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I head hurt, my eyes stung.
Everything was foggy like a dream, making me mumble and groan as someone shook me.
"Master! Master!"
I opened my eyes and saw Sliver, his gray ears perked up, while some bandages were tied around his chest.
When he saw me awake, he licked my face, making me laugh.
"Y-your alive! Your al–YUCK! STOP LICKING ME!"
Sliver licked me, purring and snuggling his head against my hand.
"I'm sorry Master, I didn't mean to scare you."
I smiled and scratched him behind the ears, making him purr loudly.
"Is Michael here?"
"Yessss, he's downstairs."
I quickly stood and ran out of my room, with Sliver trailing behind me.
"Dad! Dad! I'm awake!"
I ran down the stairs and into the living room, seeing Michael talking to some other people as I ran in.
"Dad! I'm awake!"
Michael opened his arms, letting me in for a hug.
"Sliver is okay too! He's alive!"
Michael chuckled, ruffling my hair.
"Of course he is bud, I even made Tide a place to stay."
I looks over at the wall, seeing Tide in his new tank.
Tide waved to me, enjoying his new home.
Michael stood, gently putting me back on my feet.
"Mom, Dad, this is Cameron."
I looked over at Michael's parents, who were a huge part in helping defeat my father.
His father scared me most.
"Come on Cameron, they're nice."
Carl waved to me with a warm smile.
"Cameron Hatch?"
"Y-yes sir."
"I heard your a smart boy."
I nodded, hiding by Michael.
Carl took out the checker board and motioned me over to sit.
I sat down and played the game with him, while Michael and his mother talked.
His dad was pretty cool, almost winning the game.
He talked to me about inventions and things about my dad.
I listened to him in awe, excited to hear the stories about him.
Silver fell asleep beside me as I listened to Carl Vey and his amazing tales.
It wasn't long before Taylor came in with the twins, setting Malor in my lap.
She stared up at me with big eyes, making me chuckle.
"Hey May."
"... Bababa."
I smiled and continued listening to Mr. Vey.
"Cameron!" Michael called.
"Just wanted to let you know that we changed your last name to Vey."
I squeaked with excitement and hugged Michael, happy to finally have a real family.
Cameron Vey... That had a nice ring to it.
Quentin? Tara? Jail.
Tide stayed with us.
Now, we're a happy little family... Until a year later, then that's when things pick up heat.
Until then, thanks for reading about how awesome I am and whatnot.

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Michael Vey (Hatch's son)Where stories live. Discover now