Chapter 9

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Ian and Michael all sat in the living room, checking my bruises and questioning me.
"Cameron, you can't just hide these things from me."
"You could have gotten hurt... Much worse."
I nodded, staring down at my hands.
"Got it?"
"... Got it d–Michael."
Luckily, Michael didn't catch my mistake and ruffled my hair.
"Taylor is still at the hospital, so I'm going over there to... Be supportive... Ian will watch you here, okay?"
Ian chuckled "Leave the blind guy to watch you kid."
Michael just smiled and walked out the door after thanking him.
Once he was gone, me and Ian just kinda stared at eachother.
"... You like board games?"
I couldn't help but smirk "Chess?"

An hour later...

"How did you win!?"
I laughed, watching him stare at the board.
"Come on, let's just get some dinner, I'm staving."
Ian shook his head in defeat, standing and grabbing his shoes.
"Where do ya wanna eat?"
I licked my lips "Pizza... Max? Pizza... The Purple Pizza place."
Ian snickered, but nodded.
"Just like Michael."
He slipped on his shoes and lead me to the blue BMW.
"What kind?"
"... The biggest, cheesiest, most delicious pizza they have!"
Ian just smirked, letting me in the front.
His phone beeped, which he quickly picked up and looked at.
"... The twins have been born."
"Really!? Can we go see them after we get pizza?"
Ian shook his head "Not today, but they should be home in a few days."
"... And Michael got you a present."
"Really! Dad got me something! What is it!?"
Ian looked at me, making me feel uncomfortable.
"What? Did I say something wrong?"
Ian grinned, turning back around and continuing to drive.
He picked up his phone and called someone, leaving me to think.
Why did Ian give me that look.
"Hey Michael" Ian started, tapping his fingers against the wheel as he drove.
"Congrats, and you'll never believe what Cameron said."
That's when it hit me.
"NO! Ian! Don't tell him!"
Ian chuckled "Oh yeah, I told him that you had a surprise for him and he called you dad."
I banged my head against the window, dying of embarrassment.
"Oh yeah, he's super embarrassed."
"... We're getting PizzaMax."
"...... Oh yeah.... Sure.... Okay, I'll see you soon."
Ian hung up, giving me a smug grin.
"... Shut up."
"I didn't say anything."
".... Whatever."
Ian sighed, still smiling as he drove.

After a grumpy Cameron and a visit to Pizzamax...

I nibbled my pizza, glaring at Ian.
Michael was probably gonna be all offended and stuff.
I mean, why would he want ME as his son?
Yeah, he would never want that.
Ian pulled into the driveway and looked back at me.
"Let's go, I'll get the pizza."
I didn't even nod, throwing open the door and climbing out the car.
"Hurry! I wanna see my surprise!"
I practically dragged Ian in the hospital, then over to Taylor and Michael's hospital room.
When I walked in, Michael and Taylor were both sound asleep.
Taylor was probably really tired, but Michael was probably just stressed.
"Hey, we're back."
Michael groaned and looked up from where his head laid on the bedside.
"O-oh, hey guys."
Ian smiled, setting the pizza box down.
"How's the twins?"
"Good, they're healthy and... Adorable."
I stuffed another piece of pizza in my mouth, looking around for my surprise.
"Where's my surprise?"
Michael chuckled, picking up a small present.
"So, I heard you called me dad."
I wilted behind Ian, avoiding Michael's lips raising in a grin.
"It was an accident... "
"Ah, I see."
He didn't, because he was still smirking.
"Well, here's your gift."
I ran over and grabbed the present, carefully opening it and looking inside.
Two blue eyes looked up at me, causing me to gasp.
"A kitten!"
Taylor yawned, then looked over at me.
The soft gray kitten stared up at me, making me smile.
"He's perfect... I'll name him Silver."
I hugged Michael, then gently Taylor.
I've always wanted a pet, but never was able to have any.
Now, I can use my powers and make myself a new best friend.

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