Part two! Chapter 1

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Okay, this is two years later, so Cameron is 15 while Silver is 14 and Tide is also 15.
Malor and her brother are 2, while Ostin and McKenna are expecting a baby girl.
Now, onward! To crossovers and adventure!

My heart pounded with every step, my feet pounding against the floor as I ran.
Life around me seemed to slow for this moment, wanting to capture every second.

I wasn't ready to die.

I still had a life to live.

My hand reached towards the door desperately, but didn't make it before the bullet hit me.
I grabbed my side and screamed, falling on the ground with a loud crash.

Shadows loomed over me, laughing evilly, whispering to eachother in hushed voices.
I looked up a them weakly, the gun being held to my head.
That's when I knew it was over.

"We win!" Malor shouted, pointing the Nerf gun to my head a bit harder.
Her brother stood behind her, just kinda holding some bullets for her if she needed them.

I stifled a laugh and choked "Oh no, please don't hurt me."
Malor did a fake scoff and pulled the trigger, making my head sting slightly where the bullet hit.

I immediately stuck my tongue out and closed my eyes, falling on the floor, making her giggle.
"Daddy! I won!"
Michael walked in from the kitchen, almost tripping over me.

"Malor! You killed your brother!"
Malor laughed "No I didn! He plays with me!"
She poked me, making me open my eyes.

Hr brother just chewed on one of the bullets like it was candy.
"Okay then, you all be good."
He walked over to his chair as I sat up.
"I gotta go to school, okay?"

Malor stomped her little foot angrily.
"Tis not fair! I wanna play with you!"

I kissed her forehead and stood.
"Bye dad! Bye mom! I'm headed off!"
Taylor quickly came over and pecked my cheek.
"You be good."
"Don't get into any fights."
"Don't use your powers."
I smiled and hugged her "Okay okay, I love you too."

Already being in college was pretty big, but my mom and dad were a bit worried for me.
The stuff wasn't hard for me of course, but some of the kids were a bit bossy.
I got shoved into my locker one day, then some jerk tripped me in the cafeteria.

Michael fixed that super quick with one spark of his hand.
I really am lucky to have him as my father.


I opened the door and walked out, seeing my faithful companion sitting at the door step.
"Master! May I come as well?"
I chuckled and scratched Sliver behind the ear, making him purr.
"Sure buddy, but stay close."
He gave a quick nod before following me down the sidewalk.

His gray ears twitched as we walked, scanning the area for any weird noises.

It wasn't long before we got to the collage, rushing through each class before the day finally came to an end.

"Master, what is this... Paper?"
"It's homework."
"I've gotta write an essay."
"... Hmm... Will you have time to watch a movie with me still?"
"Of course, me, you and our mer-friend."
Silver chuckled slightly.
"Tide loves movies."

"Yes he does... Specially The Little Mermaid."
We both had a small laugh at that.

Michael Vey (Hatch's son)Where stories live. Discover now